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    Spacecraft Engineer
  1. Sweet. Zombie. Jesus. Thanks man. This dll appears to have fixed resource consumption issues, as well as EVA error logs. The timewarp error no longer appears in the log file. Good detective work everyone, and thanks again for the hotfix.
  2. OK. I installed Xamarin (with .NET 4.5 and GTK#), loaded the .cs, made the changes. When I selected "build" (F7), it generates an unknown MSBuild error. this also happens when I try to build the unmodified file, so I'm thinking there's a problem with the install, just don't know how to fix it. Thanks to everyone for the assistance, but I'm afraid this one is a wash.
  3. Thank you. I can respect that. I just realized it's been a while I first posted, so when I saw the opportunity to be proactive I tried to take it, that's all.
  4. Since it's been a while and this post indicated an independent workaround, I tried this, but I got stuck-- this is the first time I've ever mucked around with binary, so I'm not sure what I'm doing. I believe this is the file that you're talking about that needs to be modded: https://github.com/KSP-RO/TacLifeSupport/blob/master/Source/LifeSupportController.cs However, this file doesn't exist in the released mod. So when compiling, I'm not sure how to format the output--not an exe, for sure. Could someone with more insight into the modding process walk me through this? I mean, literally, any insight--the extent of my coding experience is opening .cfg files in notepad.
  5. So I'm encountering a strange error with a brand new save in 1.1.3: resources aren't being consumed, and some craft don't even appear in the resource log. It's a fresh install of KSP with the latest mods, with the only mods being TAC 12.1 and KER log file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bw3wqgbf58fer18/KSP.log?dl=0 persistent file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/18i9a1qd99d1o31/persistent.sfs?dl=0 the following error repeats in the log: [EXC 13:19:10.191] MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'TimeWarp.SetRate'. Tac.LifeSupportController.FixedUpdate () The effect is that: of the only two manned craft flying (outbound to Duna), only one of them shows up in the resource log. I'm not sure with how to proceed. Any help is appreciated. And thanks again for taking over on the modding duties--it really is a great mod.
  6. I had this same issue, similar contract, identical altitude (6200 m on Gilly). At 5990 m the temperature can be taken, but does not register as part of the completed contract; above 6000 m the temperature cannot be taken, and the contract remains uncompleted. My probe had 4 thermometers, and for the condition that satisfies "in orbit high" (e.g. > 6000 m), in addition to the failure to measure temperature, the thermometer would lose the ability to measure temperature. thanks for pointing this out. I was beginning to think I was paranoid.
  7. I'll second that one. OTOH, the game gets kinda glitchy with about 30 modules in play, and more so when they are within the 2.25 km off-rails zone. But on the other hand.... I worked really hard to get all those docking ports to line up right. And the glitching will happen when those modules are connected or not--they just have to be in the zone. I like the idea. but I feel like it's gonna backfire and look more like Command and Conquer or Warcraft 2 than KSP, ya know?
  8. I would highly recommend putting this graphic on the front page. This is arguably critical to understanding the supply chain. thank you!
  9. danke. My preliminary run through showed the kerbitat functioning normally, greenhouse functioning normally, computer center working nominally. It appears the resource requirements in 0.13 were much more harmonious. Thank you. All I did was install 0.13 and copy the old storage container over.
  10. Would you PLEASE update to include the old storage containers? I can't update without them. Literally game breaking.
  11. One more quick simulation. Computer hub, solid cap, probe core, batteries. I set all consumables in the VAB to full, except colony supplies to 50. Launch, run "Assemble", and fast forward. This is the result: http://i.imgur.com/SxZ72Zc.png Notably, it doesn't seem to "assemble" anything, it just consumes resources. It seems that a module called "computer factory" that performs the function "assemble" ought to make computers, not require them (and "assemble" nothing"). I seem to be missing a critical concept here, and it's not on your wiki or explained in the flowchart you did for the food cycle. What exactly am I missing?
  12. This makes more sense. Thanks. That's not entirely clear that a critical mass is required, though. It is an interesting concept, and I like it--it just wasn't clear. I did indeed try toggling the generator, does not resolve. That windowed cap is especially for the colony hub, yeah? I think there's something wrong there. It might be a global cap issue. I'm running into this issue with the greenhouse (as you can see, definitely has a clear cap): http://i.imgur.com/yX6PzDi.png I'm still running 0.12, because of the aforementioned loss of the "04" 2.5m supply containers.
  13. couple of error codes for you: http://i.imgur.com/nVllyhc.png?1 How do you supply construction parts? http://i.imgur.com/C9oAOpR.png?2 What is missing from the colony hub?
  14. Cool, I look forward to it. I was just hoping you could grandfather in the old resource canisters from 0.12. Even if you reduce the amount available to carry, just having a 2.5 m interchangeable part makes it so much easier to plan around.
  15. Quick update. Your new storage bins are WAY too massive. even in a new save I can't incorporate them into my designs. They look really cool, but the smaller modular ones were much easier to build with. Maybe you can compromise?
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