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Kerba Fett

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Everything posted by Kerba Fett

  1. Check out the Jebcorp M209 sphere probe if you want to try rolling rovers. It's spherical and has fuel enough to take off from Kerbin, fly to the Mun, and land. You then tip to the side and roll on the yaw axis using q and e. If you try to roll along the pitch or roll axis, it will still move, but bounces as its a bit bottom heavy. You could probably also use the Wayland Egg pod the same way.
  2. As others have mentioned Mechjeb 2 allows you to edit numbers in maneuver nodes. As for the navball being too small, why not just turn up the UI size in the settings menu? Mechjeb 2's surface info shows digital displays for pitch roll and yaw and if you need a readout for how fast they're changing for docking and stuff try the Lazor docking camera. (you need a target selected for the readouts to display)
  3. And you'd still find yourself in an elliptical orbit waiting for your target to catch up with you. Except in your example the intercept point is periapsis rather than apoapsis. In either case you're using an elliptical orbit to match orbital position at the contact point between yours and your targets orbits. Step 3.5 in Fractal UK's example should have been to use a maneuver node at the contact point on your final orbit to fine tune your elipse for the closest intercept. Step 5 would be to Circularize your orbit once your intercept happens then approach to dock. As for doing it in 1 orbit, that depends on how much DV you want to use.
  4. I find it works best to attach a tank to a single radial decoupler then grab the decoupler (with tank attached) and turn on symmetry and attach the subassembly to the main rocket. The idea is that you're attaching multiple objects to one object rather than multiple objects to multiple objects. Sometimes it helps to turn off Snap to angle. (next to the symmetry button)
  5. 2 addons that will make the job go a lot easier are Mechjeb and the Lazor docking camera. In the Smart ass panel of Mechjeb use target+ till you get to 10 to 20 meters then switch to Par + for the last bit. Make sure that the docking port on your target ship is set as the target. Use docking mod in the linear setting and Mechjeb will keep the ship pointed where it needs to be while you handle lateral movement. The docking camera is good because it gives you more info on how well you're aligned and how fast your alignment is shifting. Once the docking ports touch (or just before) you need to turn off the Smartass and SAS so the magnet can pull the ship into final alignment. When building the ship I like to use 4 linear RCS ports lined up with the COG for lateral movement and 2 on the front and back for linear movement. If you can get the front and back ports close enough to the centerline of the ship the ASAS doesnt seem to waste much fuel trying to turn the ship with them and just uses capsule torque instead.
  6. About 5.5 minutes with the current setup. (limited mods installed) 53 seconds with a stock .19.1 install Back when I used to have the nova punch pack installed in .18.2 with a few other mods it used to be about 23 minutes. A lot of the individual parts in that pack take a long time to load. Now every time I add a large addon I try it first in my test install and find out exactly how much time it adds to a stock startup.
  7. You. Don't mention if your problem is getting to the Mun or landing once you're in orbit. If its getting there that's the issue make a maneuver node as soon as you're in orbit around Kerbin. Pull out the prograde marker (green one) till your flight path shows a Mun encounter. You can move the maneuver node on your orbital path or adjust the radial marker (blue one) till your projected path lines up. You then,line up the blue node marker on the navball and do your burn. At the Mun you burn retrograde till you're in orbit. Using the Smart ass module in Mechjeb will help a lot with landing. Set it to hold retrograde and burn till you're near the ground then switch to rad+ for the last part of the descent. Multiple small engines on action groups help too since you can control your descent easier with less power available. You could also use one of the cheater ships out there that have pretty much unlimited fuel to practice your Mun missions. Once you learn how to do it with those it should give you less problems using a normal ship. The Wayland Space 1999 eagle or Dishy's M209 sphere probe will get you from Kerbin to the Mun easy enough.
  8. the new Munox is pretty cool, but would it be possible to get a set of fitted fuel tanks in a future release? I'm picturing a somewhat triangular tank along each side of the hull starting about the top of the red line and angling out a bit to form a flat bottom with the tank on the other side. You would have the option of adding hover engines and landing gear or rover wheels for a munbus type transport. Perhaps matching battery and RCS tanks to really round out the build options.
  9. Doesn't the robotics pack come with a rotation servo? How about mounting one on each side of the fuel tank at the top. Put a radial mount engine on each one and stage them to fire when you separate the boosters. Trial and error should let you find the initial angle to set them at and as you burn fuel in the external tank and your COM changes you adjust the angle of the servos to compensate. Seems like a perfectly kerbal solution to flawed rocket design.
  10. Subassembly Saver/Loader would be the first one to add. It saves a lot of time in the build stage once you figure out what works best. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/subassembly-saver-loader/ Mechjeb would be a close second. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/mechjeb/ When You're ready to try docking the Lazor Docking Cam is very helpful. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/lazor-docking-cam/ Other than that, just browse through the spaceport under top rated add ons and see what looks interesting to you. There's mods to add life support systems and deadly re-entry heat, but you might want to get a few sucessfull missions before adding those. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/0-19-1-planetes-corporation-heatshield-collection-with-deadly-reentry/
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