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Everything posted by DIGI_Byte

  1. Update #3 Gathered art assets, concept art and sound files/FX Retouched the GUI to be more efficiant and 'clean' added ability to choose the colour of the Ion's beam Listen to Sound Effects here:
  2. Not sure exactly, but I did see some API stuff on the wiki, you would have to make a plugin if you want to disable it automatically. or disable it manually on your ship. Alternatively, you could not have the module on the part itself, instead use the plugin to attach the module type when it meets certain conditions (like being active, or landed) Read over these for a bit; http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/API:ConfigNode & http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/API:Part Reference: http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Community_API_Documentation
  3. so, I have a question that I can't find on the wiki tutorials. anyone know how to make a ship rotate using the modules like SAS? or even better specify a custom reaction wheel and make that give torque? it needs to find the cannon module, and find its downward vector and align that towards the target, then update the difference in current angle/target angle and return that as a variable. something like what Mechjeb does.
  4. Holy WOW, I would have never gotten that by myself. finding resources is one thing but how can you know something without knowing what you're looking for in the first place? Reeper, you have my thanks. I spent the last 3 hours fiddling with it and learning what it does (just need to apply the skin, technical reasons but when I used "GUI.skin" it actually made my GUI invisible) Here is it in action! LINK
  5. @Parameciumkid I totally agree that the parts need an overhaul, not so much that it should be deleted, but sorted. what is lacking subcatagories. Squad have the system ready to go but haven't implimented it. they need to be organized into solid fuels, tanks, jets, etc etc. as its at a point where its a mess of items and 5 main tabs aren't enough.
  6. DropPod working Files: If someone is keen on coding something, this could use some love. IonStorm_DropPod Download (WIP) (once we have this working I'll do a better quality model and texture) Ideally the module should be able to be entered through EVA and IVA, and contain no usable resources until activated. once activated (requires a kerbal inside) you would have 15 mono and 35 energy to manipulate the escape pod. The escape pod needs to detach from its coupling and jet off/away for half a second at a downward 45 degree angle. When it enters atmosphere when a parachute would normally take effect, the Drop Pods should open its break flaps to help slow it down. and a tricky part would actually having the capsule 'imbed' itself in the terrain, could probably be faked. by simply overwriting the modules position relative to the planet and just set its new transform slightly into the ground and freezing it in place.
  7. Day 2 Started the foundations for the orbital drop pods/escape capsules. might have to make a script.dll to trick these things to work as the part.cfg seems really limited for this. The idea is that once a kerbal is in it, you activate it and it jets off and you can use the limited RCS to angle/steer it. you can't attach items to the pod, but you should be able to move kerbals too it, currently you have to go EVA and so far the kerbals refuse to enter it. More investigating required. I'm also having trouble getting the texture for them to work, but its not a high priority. DropPod DropPod Spider and Got more of the GUI developed, built a modular window that toggles, just need to make it only appear when that specific module has at least 1 kerbil inside... not sure how yet. I also killed Jeb in parts testing. that's like dividing by 0
  8. Just curious, but how did you manage to get that mic button down at the bottom? I'm thinking of minimizing my GUI like that and have it sit next to yours. Thanks in advance!
  9. Fixed second Concept and changed it. as for the project; I need to find how to.... Tell the ship to auto rotate using modules so the cannon aims at the current target when told too. Tell the game to destroy/delete Ships/parts/junk/asteroids in space after a time limit. Find all ship parts/junk/asteroids that are within range, I'm talking within 5AU How to detect how many modules of a certain type/name are on the ship (need to count all Ion accelerators are attached and add them together to calculate the targeting distance and accuracy) how to list available targets in a select-able list In-game Progress on GUI LINK Estimated scale: LINK
  10. Day 1 Downloaded and installed Mono Development generic now know as Xamarin (I shall miss mono dev) Downloaded partGen 3.1 for KSP to get modules started Created Base Script in C# following these tutorials: Created Custom Fuel to the Ion Generator Started working on ideal 3D proportions Failed to find KSP GUI calls to create the GUI I need Created Forum Post
  11. This is a relaunch of my Ion Cannon Mod from way back in .1x-something I'll document all my progress in this thread like a blog. A disclaimer that I am an amateur coder, not new to coding but never learned advanced cool stuff. Project; Company: Ion Storm Industries Premise: Ion Storm has developed a powerful Orbital Defense Satellite that generates Ionized Antimatter before projecting it using Near Speed of Light (Sol) acceleration Concepts Concept1 Concept2 Modules; (Functional) Ion Command Small - Small control pod, holds 1 Kerbal Ion Command Large - Large control Center, holds 8 Kerbal Ion Generator - Module Generate custom Fuel 'Ion Charge' and heat from electricity Ion Coolant Pump - Module that saps heat from Connected Module (Ion Generator) Ion Barrel A - Main Cannon, used for aligning to target and fire effects. Ion Barrel B - Main Cannon, used for aligning to target and fire effects. Ion Barrel C - Main Cannon, used for aligning to target and fire effects. Ion Accel Magnet - Increases Range/accuracy at the cost of overheating and energy cost to fire. Ion Reaction Wheel - Super large structure, used to rotate the whole station effectively creating its own gravity field rotate. Ion Shielded Solar Panel A - Large long Solar panel, curved to focus light and is more effective then standard panels Ion Shielded Solar Panel A - Large short Solar panel, curved to focus light and is more effective then standard panels Ion Solar Curtain - A massive stationary solar array that deploys into a curtain like structure, high surface area, very fragile. (Structure) Ion Wings A Ion Wings B Ion Structure A Ion Structure B Statistics: (May change depending on feedback) Generate a singe shot requires 125k Energy Requires 32k Energy to fire Ion Solar Panels (18e*10n)+35q = 243e
  12. Not sure, but I remember reading about them being Private variables, but you could use Unity code to hack it if KSP doesn't have any nodes or w/e their called My guess would be that the Kerbals when EVA don't share their resource information apart from when you hover the mouse over them. In other news I think I'm trying to tackle a problem that's a bit big for an noob like me to tackle. I realized I want a list of targets for my plugin, looking at the scripts prior but can't figure out how I would use it. Ideally I would have buttons or a roll-out and a search feature that would list targets in a select-able list... but that's insane, I wouldn't even know where to start. I believe a enum list would be a start, then a target button to tell the ship to target that, then an align button to tell the ship to align enum Mode {Mode1, Mode2, Mode3} var mode : Mode;
  13. Welp, Decided to give MonoDevelop now known as Xamarin a go as my main Program. After following the Wiki and the tutorial basic tutorial I get some errors. Error CS0103: The name 'RenderManager' does not exist in the current context (CS0103) Error CS0103: The name 'Highlogic' does not exist in the current context (CS0103) using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using UnityEngine; namespace IonStormCommand { public class IonStormCommand : PartModule { private Rect _windowPosition = new Rect(); private GUIStyle _windowStyle, _labelStyle; private bool _initStyles = false; public override void OnStart(StartState state) { if (state != StartState.Editor) { if (!_initStyles) InitStyles(); RenderManager.AddToPostDrawQueue (0, OnDraw); } } private void OnDraw() { if (this.vessel == FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel) _windowPosition = GUILayout.Window(10, _windowPosition, OnWindow, "This is the Title", _windowStyle); } private void OnWindow(int windowID) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("this is a label", _labelStyle); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUI.DragWindow(); } private void InitStyles() { _windowStyle = new GUIStyle(Highlogic.Skin.window); _windowStyle.fixedWidth = 250f; _labelStyle = new GUIStyle(Highlogic.Skin.label); _labelStyle.stretchWidth = true; _initStyles = true; } } } I must be doing something obvious wrong.
  14. Hey guys, Just skimmed through the forums and thought I might ask for some advice. I'm interested in relaunching my Ion Cannon mod now with the new mod/plugin section (it's been a while) I'd like to move past or ignore the old 'overheating' method and simply destroy the target that's more then 2.5km away (asteroids too?) What I'd like to know is if there's code to delete objects in space, and how to check that the ship has direct line of sight. I'm not a skilled coder, so tutorials or code snippets would be great. If you'd like to collab, my skype is digi_byte
  15. how do you learn to code? I don't think you'd have to use visual studio (I hope) But there must be some basic GUI Coding and other area's to go into maybe I should edit an existing mod, it might make it easier to get started.
  16. Fixed images, problem was the wrong URL share link probably hard to read the writing for the accuracy calculations but the lower the better, the example i used in that image was for 200km with 3 barrels have a 6% chance of miss with 1 barrel was a 20% chance of miss the formula works as follows chance of miss = (Distance/Number of Barrels)/10) for the display of 1.000 the number is simply /100 I'm not sure if the numbers are the right way around but you would add the angle difference to the chance of miss like so, (Distance/Number of Barrels)/10) + ((Target angle Vector - Ion tip Rotation)/distance)
  17. did some drawings on my tablet, rough sketches and basic math Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Image 4 Image 5 i've worked it out that it would take 4.15 units of heat per hour, or 0.83 heat per min that the vents would dissipate Cannon cannot fire if its heated, and cannot start the cooling cycle while its charging, so if you hit fire, before cooling, you cannot cool it down, which would result in explosions
  18. @Greys, I whole heartily agree and understand, it was obvious some people would be inclined for something realistic, even tho a simulator game, should not aim to emulate pure realism and such cuts need to be made, not just for limitations but for functionality and that's where the Ion cannon idea follows, objects that are simply to far away but withing a set 'range' would be deleted, its not about simulation its just about a fancy way of deleting props without feeling guilty about ending flight (that is the most evil button in the world) I think to break it down it would be as follows; increase physical range to 95km+ by the sunbeam mod selecting a target via a control HUD similar to the laser mod (one that reflects beams) Align cannon towards trajectory via RCS or those gravity/momentum wheels I saw Only one Ion tip can fire at a time. If multiple exist, they must be selected VIA the control HUD objects closer then the 95km limit will break up for effect, the idea can be that the Ion beam picks up speed and anything within its min firing range is punched through and destroyed the range of course could be altered if its not ideal for orbital bombardment the more Ion Chargers present and connected to tips, the faster the charge up is the more cooling vents connected, the faster it cools down you can simulate heat VIA HUD if nessasary Ion Charge can travel through parts like Fuel does, however the Ion tip must be connected to at least 1 Barrel, number of barrels control the max firing range possible firing modes (extra) low powered beam for orbital bombardment that has increased duration ===================================================================== What I've been looking at is a Guidance Mod, sunbeam mod and those gravity wheels, if I can take inspiration and learning from those, i maybe able to pull it off in the mean time, I finally had some time this morning and wiped up some 3D models, needs textures of course and I may do alternative themes if asked for but let me know how you feel
  19. i'd like to share some screenshots using stock parts of the size and necessary parts for the Ion Cannon Early Prototype using Xenon Gas as a place holder http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=142479056 Newer version which will just use Batteries Energy http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=142479063 as for coding and all that, there is someone who developed a laser plugin that i was thinking of approaching will post if anything is made of it
  20. you don't need a 3D preview. For your stock parts a jpg image would suffice and for a custom 3D object, have a cube with Custom written inside it the default values should be options you can preset to, like a quick fix if need be Also, i noticed a glitch/bug for Hexagon cones I set its width to 60 and height to 750 to get a tall thin spike but it was only half the height and its top anchor floated at the correct height, it also had issues mounting onto my shuttle but that maybe a game issue not cfg for that prop as for the steam directory, I was just saying it would be good to have an automatically find them if the option was available its all about refining a good program into something better
  21. from my experiences in KSP, both rovers and jet's don't behave as they should the jets struggle getting lift/glidding and struggle turning as a real plane/jet would, it seems they simply copied the shuttle and expected it to work as for the rover wheels, it comes down to a few things, but the wheel physics weren't implemented correctly KSP uses Unity and their wheel physics are debatable (and bad) it also needs 'materials' to determine the amount of friction a mesh has but its optional how do I know it uses Unity? Alt+F12, that GUI style is Unity's Default skin, i should know because I'm a Unity Developer.
  22. I would like to, but the idea of KSP and its simulation style wont be avoided, this won't be a simple mod like some others have created the laser will take about 30 seconds to charge up that's strategy vs simulation Currently I'm worrying about the fuel levels and fuel types, it appears it wont be easy to create our own fuel source maybe convert Energy into Xenon as a place holder as long as it charges up depending on available energy when activated Fire's for 1-2 seconds and takes 2-5 minutes to cool down Edit: We'll use straight up batteries/Energy required Energy will be 25,000 small, 150,000 for large
  23. Lando, great tool, I'm an experienced modeler and I've decided to have a go at making a mod for KSP, and one drawback about jumping into a new game is scale or lack of... Suggestions/addons what we need, if possible is default measurements to get a sense of scale an option to see what model we have chosen an option to import and scale our own model (so we can match width's) I'm really keen on doing my mod and its not possible without your toolset, but what the user needs is clarification on scale and options for our own mesh's Edit: also, an option to auto install parts on complete and showing their directory would be really nice, specially for Steam user's like myself
  24. Very true... the idea for the coolant is to tie it to a resource that wouldn't be used as much as ammo would and to give a reason why the vents would give out a particle effect but that was a last minute decision and probably should be removed as the lasers, once installed, should be a self sufficient base that uses solar power I would also like to set this up as an open project and the final result should actually look like this also, with that note that first reply, deleting the object isn't as harsh as you think. games are mostly particle effects, animations and code props to far away wouldn't even be seen when shot and those ones would be deleted I believe the trick is to simply select the target and delete it while the laser is firing if the object is within visible range, add an explosion effect > break things apart > them explode I'll have time today to do some 3D models and I'll build some parts, my only issue is scale but we can worry about that after its built.
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