Hi there. I'm a long time 3D modeler for many mods and I've fallen in love with this game and its in a desperate need for a decent weapon mod the current ones are 'ok' but nothing that really... passes as A+ I'm the kind of person who loves tinkering around in Tekkit from minecraft so i've taken a few steps from what i love about that, and designed my own weapon set, an Ion Cannon (yes its not original, burt hear me out) I've past the idea stage and ready to move onto 3D but I don't know any form of coding and whats possible, so if you'd like to help I'm in great need of a coder ============================== Modules; Deep Probe Antenna - Needed for deep space communication, its size is to compensate for the EMP the Ion creates on charge and cooldown Vents - Medium and Large, increase cool-down of the Fusion chamber to fire again Fusion Chamber - Requires 25,000 (Medium) or 125,000 (Large) Energy to fire where the ionization forms with the energy in the Batteries, Not enough energy, doesn't fire, to much, it overheats Barrel, focuses the Beam and increases lock time and range to a maximum of 5x large is triple range, and lock time of medium Discharge Point, due to the way the engine works the barrel shouldn't be the laser origin, so basing it similar to the thruster systems, we will have a tip where the laser comes from it must be attached directly onto barrel pieces and is treated like a thruster Targeting Module - Similar to SAS specially designed to aim at the target NOTE: advantage of Large Ion Cannon could be a large AOE on "collision", allowing multiple targets to be destroyed within the area and longer range but at a cost of excessive charge up time and cool down as well as locking onto the target since nothing is physical past a short distance, the laser should simply delete the object, this of course would be revised if that physics limit was altered MISC Blinking lights that cast light in the area around it Red / Blue / Yellow / Green =================================== If you think you can help, or have a working copy, I'll share my 3D skills but as the moment, this is an idea that i would like to flesh out into something of a tactical/strategic weapon as the current mods are somewhat of a joke as for the current limitations in game for collisions, making it impossible to 'hit' an object over 2.5km away, my idea to approach this is to simply delete the object beign targeted if possible Also, if you have your own idea's, criticism or suggestions feel free to post PS, whats the chances of this being in the game?