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Everything posted by SpaceshipFood

  1. Is refueling (sending dozens of fuel tanks up to refuel your lander) Required for getting to places like... Duna? I would like to go there, but I don't want to learn how to dock Also, if I could get a link/craft. file to a really good interplanetary ship, that would be great.
  2. What is your favorite and least favorite planet and why? ( or most interesting/ least interesting if you prefer)
  3. Landing on it was an accident, I was trying to get to Eve but I went a little to far and happened to get an encounter with Moho, so I went there instead.
  4. I like big ships. Does this qualify?
  5. I was worried because I ran out of fuel as soon as I got into an orbit around moho, but I remembered I had a special command pod with some rockets on it, so i was able to land safely. Behold! THE SUN!
  6. I have 2 big ones: KLS: Mk.II Space Station Eli: Neither of them are nice to my frame rate.
  7. I'm the The builder (spends hours shut away in the VAB creating new ships and then hands them to Mechjeb to see if they will work)
  8. Yet again using ORDA, I was able to get my Kerbal Living Station (KLS) into a 500m orbit around Kerbin. I have been working on this for a while now, trying to make it so it would not blow up on the launch pad and give me enough time to give it an orbit. (Using parts from Kosmos Space Station Parts Pack and H.O.M.E and a few other random mods) Let me know what you think :3
  9. I'm gonna try to not land on a mountain now
  10. Are there any 3m and 3.5m Capsules? I'm tired of making 3m rockets with a tiny 2.5m capsule
  11. (note) this looks like it was impossible to get into space and into an orbit around the mun in one piece. However I did. using ORDA (semi cheating device ) This is my newest space station. Enjoy and feel free to tell me what you think.
  12. Nice landing and nice looking lander!
  13. The only thing I fear is it being to much like Kerbin, in a way. What if there was a planet that had lots of trees, waterfalls, lakes and rivers like a rain forest, I think it would create a challenge, all the trees would make it hard to land, very good for people that are really good at landing. Discuss
  14. having fuel-lines to begin with is what is causing the imbalance.
  15. I have hyper edit installed, but im not exactly sure how to use it, so it has been just sitting there in the folder, taking up space...
  16. Im out of school for the summer I'm on the computer all day long
  17. But I'm bad at docking :/ I have a hard enough time getting into orbit xD
  18. The main problem is that the space station likes to kill itself (tip over and explode as if it was a bomb or something xD)
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