Greetings and I guess I'll say hello to my fellow Kerbonauts. I have the full version of the game for a month or so now and have had plenty of success and failures in kerbalopolis. I have however only recently discovered the online community here on KSP Forums and wish to join. Unfortunately my first post happens to be one of distress. Let me start from the beginning. I have after a few recent successful rocket launched decided to try my luck with space planes and so far my luck has been less than desired. After about two dozen or so attempts at various designs I created my first successful prototype plane that successfully took off the runway and after a few terrifying loops and barrel rolls landed in one piece. Behold Aero Prototype I After learning how to fly I am able to take this prototype to just over mach 1 at about 10km. I deemed this a success and proceeded to phase two. Transforming the prototype plane into a SSTO. Another two dozen or so attempts I have been left with this. SSTO Prototype I The issues lay somewhere within this design. I can take off, incline to 45 and reach 10km. I level out at a 15 degree incline and speed up to about mach 3.5 ( +/- 1000m/s ) at around 19km. At this point my air intake is sitting between 0.30 and 0.20. I then using the custom binds alphas toggle off my turbo's and their intakes while toggling on my spike. Now at this point I plan to increase my incline to a solid 60 to rapidly gain ground but instead before I can even toggle off my ASAS to do so my prototype does either, back flips, sideways cartwheels, or in the worst situations both which end with me desperately attempting to regain control followed with deploying shoots and bailing. I thank you all ahead of time.