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Posts posted by zhollett

  1. I love watching this thread so I thought I'd do something just to get to the next one.

    So, here's the little getup.

    Seating for 8

    2 Rovers

    and a ride back home

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    So, my challenge is this:

    Walk from the top of one building to the top of another building using a bridge you placed there

    (my suggestion is the 2 warehouses on the old KSC, as its a shorter distance to span. Its possible, I've done it, but you choose, any will do... R&D buildings look close...)

  2. Ill be another one of those "I didn't read the 137 pages previous to this" so dont carp all over my net...

    So, the question, I'm noticing that sometimes KER freezes its values (using

    Example: Right now no matter what vessel I load or create, all my values are locked.

    Parts: 11

    DeltaV: 2,858 m/s

    TWR: 2.99

    The only way I can resolve this is to exit KSP completely.

    Is there a fix or is the fix exiting and restarting.


  3. As the title suggests.

    Sometimes I have 6 or more contracts on a single flight (launch, in flight, in orbit...etc) but I cant arrange them according to my flight plan.

    I'd like to have the contracts section use the same kind of sorting mechanism as the staging does. I just hate being in mid flight and look over and forgot to scroll to the bottom of my accepted contracts list to see if my speed is correct.


  4. I'm quite the opposite.

    I'm just being cheeky here, but ...

    You are keen on the Asteroid Recovery stuff, you *HATE* the 3.5m parts, you havnt wanted to make a good SLS for a long time and this update doesnt do just that :)

    I get what you area saying though, but I love the asteroid recovery, and the new parts.


  5. Science has a steep yet short learning curve.

    See here http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Science for the particulars on how many times you can "do" science with each type of experiment and in which location and what their base points are, etc...

    If you want the cheat sheet for the biomes, search google images for "Minmus Biomes", that will show you a map of the Biomes on Minmus :)

    Now, in a recent mission, I came back with 1748 science, on a trip to Minmus.

    What I did is create a lander with lots of science pods on it: Example at the end of this post

    Then I chose Minmus because of its MANY biomes and low gravity which means it would be easy to jump around and land in each biome and do the following science ONCE PER SCIENCE DEVICE in each biome (unless you have the science lab, but that comes later).

    1. Do a crew report (Transmit as this is a no loss science)

    2. Do an EVA report (Transmit as this is a no loss science)

    3. Get a surface Sample (KEEP!!! its 140'ish science each time)

    4. Do a Science Jr. experiment (KEEP, once its used, go to the next biome and use a new science jr, you should have more than 1)

    5. Do a Goo experiment (KEEP, once its used, go to the next biome and use a new goo, you should have more than 1)

    6. etc... (if more science devices, continue the list)

    MOST IMPORTANTLY - If you want to get full science points, bring your ship (or experiment results) back to Kerbin and dont transmit any science that has a percentage less than %100. By the way, when you're landing back on Kerbin, how about doing temperature and barometer, and EVA report, and surface sample (yes, even if you land in the water, do a surface sample), and a science jr, and a goo. All that adds to yet more science and each time you land back on Kerbin, if you have any left over science jr or goo, you can do it. Granted, if you land in the same biome, there are diminishing returns.

    Its very possible to just about (or maybe actually) fill the science tree without going outside Kerbin-Mun-Minmus... I say just about, because I've not done it, I went to other planets.

    Anyways, I'm not sure if this explains it like you are 5 because I think you know more than you think you do. You just didn't have the particulars.

    Hope this helps


    Note: As you can see in my picture, I had 6 Science Jr.'s, 1 for each biome I was going to land in on Minmus, I brought the entire craft back to Kerbin. I only made it to 4 biomes due to fuel issues. Only 1 was wasted because when I landed back on Kerbin, I used a Goo and a Science Jr.... why not right? Yes, there are 8 goo containers... symmetry


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