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Everything posted by Copenhagen_Suborbitals

  1. No its quite simply to be able to see the rotation, and the spaceship is orange so its easy to find in the water, thats all. https://picasaweb.google.com/114657365514543526210/362011HEAT1XLaunch?noredirect=1
  2. Hopefully it will go straight up Apogee is planned to be around 130 km. But much can change before then.
  3. Either use pressure blowdown, or build a turbine pump. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vq4SJlv691U '
  4. Let me know if you need pictures of anything, I will have a look.
  5. The next rocket will be the HEAT-2X with active guidance. Most GPS system have a limit. They Shut down at a certain acceleration and attitude, we cant make it too easy for the North Koreans No it wasnt planned but expected. Using liquid nitrous oxide and polyurethane has its advantages and disadvantages. The HEAT2-X will run on a liquid engine using LOX and ethanol.
  6. Pictures are up ! https://picasaweb.google.com/114657365514543526210/SapphireLaunchJune2013?noredirect=1#
  7. Im sorry but thats not correct. The stream team had some problems, and the countdown clock was one of them. They had a delay of 1-2 minutes on the sound from Vostok, so its difficult to reset the clock correctly. But in all I was impressed with the picture quality. This was done by amateurs on a low buget. And still they managed to stream HD from a moving ship over a distance of 23 nautical miles.
  8. As far as i know, the parachute didnt deploy, only the drouge.
  9. The position of Sputnik http://marinetraffic.com/ais/default.aspx?level0=100
  10. Padleader is leaving sputnik now. Everyone has now left sputnik
  11. Sputnik crew is leaving now. Rocket is armed and ready.
  12. We think we will launch in 15 minutes. Cross your fingers
  13. We have thought about lauching small cubesats, or other payloads up, but not comercial. Remember CS is not about profits nor is it a company.
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