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pslytely psycho

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    Spacecraft Engineer
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    Washington State, where fun is now legal.

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  1. Wow, I don't recall, I do recall some antenna glitches, and lost a couple of craft but no specifics as it has been a couple of months. The lost craft prompted me to go to the forums in search of others with the same problem and then reading that Kerbalism had a conflict with RT. At the time I recall I had a couple of other mods listed but they have been fixed over time, and I don't use the other few that remain incompatible. However I've used RT literally for years , so it won over Kerbalism. RT is supposed to become compatible in version 4.0, so I patiently wait and check. [EDIT] Yes, I love the way Kerbalism treats data downloads! Thanks for the info, I may try that in the interim but yeah, Kerbalism replaces a great many mods in one comprehensive package. I just love the radiation visual in the tracking station and the deep gameplay mechanics that it adds to the game. I have used it since nearly it's release and miss it a lot. But RT is one of my oldest mods and I found Commnet (? or whatever the stock Scansat is called) far inferior to RT and Scansat. Looking forward to 4.0! An off topic side note: I purchased the game in version 0.13 for $17 USD. An incredible bargain as between Steam and the time before it came on Steam I have well over 2000 hours! I bought it because I played the Demo at the time for over 100 hours. I have games I paid full price for that never achieved nearly 100 hours! And found the modding community here to be the best and smartest I ever dealt with. A total package win! Ok except for the 2013 forum crash that wiped out my 7 month old account...
  2. Actually I love Kerbalism. Especially the radiation bands .Just waiting for the update. As I recall, it doesn't play nice with Remote Tech, and that will be resolved in the 4.0 update. I believe there is a workaround for background resources and I also use Near future electrical and the Kerbalism replacements for the reactors are Overpowered and don't include heat. I can live with that though, but not without RT. I do wish there was a config file for it to disable the different modules, but I understand that is quite a tall order and may not be feasible at all. Have a great weekend Frog Priest! Ribbit! [EDIT] "This one could be a bug. So you are saying action groups don't extend panels? They must be manually deployed? Interesting. " Yeah, but only on ships loaded from the tracking station, Solar panels seem to come disconnected from the action group they were assigned to, however antennas and other equipment still functions by action group. It is not a problem with a new vehicle that you stay with the entire mission, and I just realized I have not tried to reload any of my recent finished missions to see if the problem occurs with them or just my older saved vessels. I'll try that next time I play. [EDIT2] I use background processing, I do see variations in charge and connection status in the tracking station. (Don't know now if I'm being helpful or rambling.....)
  3. Since installing the last update, I have been noticing a small bug. In the tracking station all of my satellites stay fully charged unless they slip into darkness and all works fine. However, any vessel I choose to fly has the same problem. The solar panels are retracted and must be extended individually as their action group does not deploy them, but they do deploy the antennas that I generally group with them under action group one. (fresh vehicles that stay loaded for a full mission work fine on action groups, only loading from the tracking station seems affected) There is a possibility this has existed for an update or two, as most of my missions the last three times I played involved following a single craft from launch to mission complete, and I only noticed this when I started to get KAC reminders that vessels approaching Eve and Duna were near their SOI changes. Since then I checked some of my earliest commsats and a couple of other ongoing long term science missions, all had retracted solar panels. It does not seem to effect craft until I actually load them. So not critical, just annoying. Mods folder Screenshot: https://imgur.com/gallery/VuITAofLog: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4c9frvk2ck2snrn/KSP.log?dl=0 Final note: Thank you for all the work you and your team do for us! I bow before our croaking green skinned overlords! [edit] As I'm a mod abuser () I am also very aware it could be a mod conflict. They are all CKAN installations and all (supposedly) updated for the latest version with none on the incompatible list, not that that's a guarantee of compatibility! Hail to the Green overlords.....
  4. Dropped in from orbit today and found this thread....!!!!! Landing protocol engaged!!! Too bad I have to get sleep for work tomorrow......but....so....tempting.....yeah, I'm sure four hours sleep will be enough....at least three....I can do two.....Ok, I will just wear out my espresso machine in the morning.....
  5. De-orbiting long enough to check out progress. Not ready yet. Ok, take your time, do it right! You modders are beyond awesome in what you add to this amazing game, thanks for your hard work! Applying thrusters to re-aquire orbit. See you all next orbit!
  6. @linuxgurugamer, I am an A-2 mechanic. Hehehe, yeah I know that means nothing. I repair and maintain an antique style of Brunswick pinsetters (bowling machines). Only two of the five bowling alleys here run the old things as most switched over to GS machines decades ago and there are no openings at the alleys with A-2's unless someone dies. Unfortunately the skills don't transfer as the old machines were pure mechanical and the new ones are mostly solenoid driven so no interest from the GS side. Bowling itself is, and has been since the 1990's in huge decline. Which is why most have added casinos here, with six (now seven) closing their doors. The one I worked for had a casino formerly, but when it was sold to some of the employees just before it would of been leveled, that meant going through the entire application process again. As this happened multiple times when one of the partners got fed up and withdrew, we were in perpetual 'Casino opening soon' mode for the last four years. We had a very nice restaurant rather than a snack bar (although we served scratch made pizza's and all normal snack bar stuff as well), and an awesome bar with 22 microbrews on tap and used comfortable couches rather than bowling furniture. We also had four projectors with screens over the lanes showing music videos and ran cosmic bowling constantly. We were voted best alley in town eight years strait and were always packed. But being we only had 16 lanes it just wasn't enough to sustain us. A large part due to the expense of maintaining machines that were basically electricity vampires. The machines were installed in 1957, got synthetic lanes in 1977, computer networking in 1991 (486 chipsets, not upgradable due to Brunswick proprietary equipment), electronic scoring in 2003. So it was a mismash of barely compatible equipment. But I did learn a lot about networking and classic computers and even built several brand new (old stock) 486 computers during my time. I had hoped to retire there, even though the pay for pinsetter mechanics isn't great, it is livable. And it's really an interesting job. Now I'm pounding the pavement at 60, along with the other two mechanics, though they are both younger than me. Definitely not what I expected. More than you wanted to know, sorry about that. I forgot to uncheck the verbose setting. Have a great day, O' master of mods and keeper of the gates!
  7. It's living in my wishlist along with Rimworld and a few others. As the company I worked for closed their doors leaving me unemployed at 60, with a rare skillset in a dying market, they must remain there until I regain gainful employment. I've had Oxygen Not Included since a few days after it's early access launch. I've had KSP since the 0.13 days. So I have a deeper fondness for it for similar reasons to KSP.
  8. Every time I try to download this my browser closes and my CPU posts a gigantic NO! on the screen. You have stricken fear into the hearts of CPU's everywhere..... On the serious side though, I'm going to have to make a special KSP folder and give this a whirl once Kopernicus updates, even against my CPU's wishes.... <We need some Valentina emoticons.... I would say it looks awesome, but that is really far too weak of a description. I see more sunrise serenades in my future. The ones where I tell my wife "No, I haven't been playing KSP all night. I did take a snack break after all.....
  9. Just sliding in to check on this most essential mod and say thanks for the continued development. As I have had the game since 2013, I have learned to rather enjoy the breaks the update cycle provides. Did you know there are actually other good games out there? Good to go when this is good to go though, the few others that are not updated tend to work across update cycles anyway. Now off to play my favorite 'waiting for KSP mods updates' game, Oxygen Not Included.
  10. I bought KSP at version 0.13 what, 7 years ago in pre-alpha. No docking, No EVA, No Valentina. This is the most played game I have ever had. Hundreds of hours before it moved to Steam, over 1500 hours since it went on Steam Greenlight. It pioneered early access. Now, around 4 years after release, we are still getting quality updates to the game. I knew an hour into the original demo that this game was something very special. Thanks for improving what I consider to be the best game I ever played. No game is perfect, but this comes very, very close. I'm still amazed. KSP2 is going to have some mighty big shoes to fill.
  11. Ten out of Ten! And throwing in a vote for WuphonsReachs idea of staggered lighting. I think them coming on in a staggered fashion as different systems trigger slightly out of sync with each other would just look so authentic as the automated lighting in our building here at work does just that. The outer building lights come on, then the entrance, then the parking lot and finally the rear of the building over the course of about five minutes. Now, I like the idea of a few seconds as in a game reality would be tedious. Maybe some type of extended grouping by function or type? Oh, by the way, on CKAN where I saw this mod pop up the homepage link just goes to the forum landing page, and not to this page. Thankfully the name was so perfect for this mod I just knew it would be worth the search! It's the little things like this that really add to the game. Thank you.
  12. @ShotgunNinja , Not going to waste your time with my log files. I R A Idiot. I have been running a lot of mods that are unnecessary and likely conflict with Kerbalism. I have used it so long that a lot of what is in your mod now was in the to-do list the last time I bothered to read it. So I bit the bullet and deleted all mods and started fresh. I haven't done that in over a year. There were mods in there that CKAN didn't see and some of them were very old mods that were rendered moot with the new update and some that I don't even know what they were for in the first place, some mods have very cryptic names after they are installed. Massive amounts of dead config files, etc. So far things seem to be working now.(only played 30 minutes) I never did re-install Remote Tech after reading the OP for Kerbalism. I will try later but at this point, I don't think it adds much anymore like FAR and Deadly Re-entry have pretty much become irreverent over the last year. I don't think Kerbalism did anything with signals when I first installed it so long ago. Basically my install has become so dirty that tracing a specific glitch likely has become well nigh impossible. Thanks for putting up with me. I was actually shocked at how much more Kerbalism covers since the last time I read the description. Took a lot of redundant mods out. You're the best man!
  13. @ShotgunNinja , Got off a little early tonight due to the snow, business dropped to nothing about three hours early. So I did some testing, I noticed that my probe had no signal, but I could launch a manned ship. Removed Remote Tech and bingo. Everything worked fine. I don't know for sure if it is a conflict with RT or with Ippo's settings for RT. I was basically only using it for the familiar interface, so RT stays out for the time being as I was waiting for Kerbalism and Construction Time to start a new save. I knew it had to be a conflict and that Kerbalism wasn't primarily responsible. Thanks for your help, I read the log file, and even though it was a bit over my head I could make out that there were a few errors generated, but none relating to Kerbalism, and nothing I could see that I would of thought of as an exception. It was quite educational. You can teach an old dog (57) new tricks. Thanks again for this amazing addition to my favorite game for the last four years!
  14. @ShotgunNinja, Oh yes, I'm very much aware that your mod is not causing this. I only mentioned the symptom in case you or someone else had ever run across it. Monday when I have time to play around with it to figure out what is conflicting it is going to take quite a bit of time. I was just hoping there was something known to be incompatible that would cause this issue when Kerbalism was installed. You know, trying the lazy way first as I am a totally irresponsible mod user.....
  15. @ShotgunNinja . I'm pretty sure this is a mod conflict, but I won't have time to test it on a clean install for several days as this is my last day off until next Monday. Anyway, when I install this on my mod-obese save, staging quits working. If I uninstall, it works fine, installed, I can't launch as the space bar no longer stages. As I have an irresponsible number of mods, testing it will take some time, I am only posting to see if anyone else has had this problem, or perhaps can suggest possibilities that may reduce my testing time. Since I have not seen this error reported before I'm pretty sure it is not with Kerbalism itself but with something that's not playing nice with it. This mod adds so much to the game that I will happily sacrifice whatever is conflicting with it to have this. I am unsure what logs (or where they are) might be helpful, I will happily post them if they will help. I will check this thread after work tomorrow and upload anything you request. I just won't have time to fire up the game again until next week. Thank you for this amazing mod!
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