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Everything posted by jordanjay29

  1. This is what I've been waiting for. I'm not a modder, so I'll patiently sit back until this is ready for public release, but I've been saying for months that KSP needs a mod manager with dependency management. It just takes someone (like the OP) stepping up to propose the standard for it to make it happen. You should also consider broadcasting this in Addons Development and on the KSP subreddit for more exposure. Eventually modders will get the picture, but multiple avenues to reach them is always a good idea.
  2. There are plenty of mods with decouplers integrated into parts. It just depends on the decoupler force.
  3. It looks fine for 2 Kerbals. The real LEM was pretty tiny as well, as was Gemini. They seemed to hold 2 astronauts quite well, even with enough space to sleep, suit up for EVA and do other stuff.
  4. That looks really nice. I can't wait to try it out in game.
  5. ScanSat, for one. Orbital mapping of planetary bodies. Also, check out the Munar Surface Experiment package mod. I'd also suggest Station Science and/or Orbital Material Science for you. You can check out the Science section of the Mods Library for more stuff like this. I definitely agree with you. I really wish KSP would allow long-term, progressive science like with what NASA does. Send a probe to a distant planet, have it orbit, and then collect science. It takes a while to get a clear picture of what the probe's instruments detect, and science is a process of many repetitions of the same experiment to find an answer (if one exists). It would be fun if the game would model this for the player, or at least make it a bit more fun to discover new things.
  6. I just discovered this mod and I think it's fantastic. I'm wondering why you don't just release it now, it looks decent. In any case, I'm adding this to my KSP game once I update it to 0.25. I can think of a few Mun landings that would have gone better if I'd had these instead.
  7. This looks cool. Any desire to make these compatible with Connected Living Spaces?
  8. What's the advantage to using this over the Science Archives?
  9. You mean for those who launch their stations in one piece? Or are we now unable to dock our experiment pods with the station?
  10. Using dishes to connect communications satellites is a rookie mistake. Don't worry, we've (RT users) all been there. Try pulling your network closer and using omni-directional antennas. The Comm-32 or the black RT antenna (I forget the exact name) have the best range. Omnis free up your dishes to let you connect them to other networks. A quick cheat is like this: Omnidirectional antenna: Good for networking satellites around a planet/moon. Dishes: Good for linking networks (the group of satellites around a planet/moon) together, powering satellites at the edge of the SOI, or connecting to the Active Vessel Don't use dishes for connecting your network, and don't rely on omnis for your craft unless they reside entirely within the active satellite network.
  11. None that I've encountered yet. Even the stock dialogue windows (like the craft name field in VAB) allow keypresses through.
  12. I'd love to use this, but I just dumped Kethane in .24 for Karbonite. Any chance of making this CRP/ORSX compatible?
  13. I've been looking for a bigger pod like this for a lander. I'm wondering if this works well with 2.5m parts.
  14. Eww. Hope the situation improves and you don't have to switch over to (dun, dun, dun) cable.
  15. It starts to burn at 60km for Eve? I'm assuming so, since that doesn't make sense for Kerbin. What's your speed when you hit 60km?
  16. I'm guessing your periapsis is still too high. Try 30 or 40km. Real trans-lunar reentry came in high and rode down into the atmosphere like a rollercoaster (went up and down several times to bleed off speed). There's nothing wrong with a long reentry time, even if you have to aerobrake a bit at a high periapsis once before coming down to a true reentry angle. Not sure about Eve, but I would imagine the right amount of patience and tweaking will see a successful landing. How fast are you coming in to Eve, you may not be able to land straight-away from a transfer orbit. An aero-brake or landing from a closer orbit might help get your craft down to the surface without exploding.
  17. Yep, this is a KSP Linux bug. Here's some workarounds: -Play in Windowed mode. Open a text editor, type your numbers in there, copy/paste to KSP. -Use DELETE instead of BACKSPACE -Use Cut (CTRL+X) instead of BACKSPACE -Re-bind the abort action to something other than BACKSPACE -Use different action groups for abort, or use Action Groups Extended to add other action groups besides the 1-0 keys.
  18. I honestly can't answer that question, as I haven't tried detecting how much memory they use. My suggestion would be to backup KSP to another folder, and delete all the non-stock mods from that KSP install. Run KSP to get a baseline of memory usage on your system. Then add in Interstellar, run again and check memory usage. Swap with NFT, run again and check memory usage. Then compute for your normal install to see if swapping with NFT would be beneficial for you.
  19. Happens a lot with my Linux game when interacting with MechJeb. Or when typing ship names in the VAB (Interstellar's helper panel comes up frequently). I would assume this is not RT-specific, but rather a KSP Linux bug.
  20. Are you on Linux? I've noticed this issue on that platform for both 32 and 64 bit builds.
  21. Have you checked out Near Future Technologies? That's one similar to Interstellar, but excludes the extra science progression. NFT's challenge is more in building crafts that can manage to power the engines, which are extremely hungry. NFT is also broken up into parts, so you need not install all of its components to make it work, just the tech tree, and whatever parts packs you want to include (engines are probably recommended, electrical as well). Other science mods to consider: Station Science Orbital Materials Science Rover Science Munar Surface Experiments Non-Science "Endgame" Mods: MKS/OKS, build planetary or orbital bases. If you're memory-starved, I'd suggest installing only one of the pair, instead of both. Kethane or Karbonite (resource mining)
  22. Another thing to consider, I've seen more widespread integration of other mods with TAC than I have with ECLSS or the Snacks mod. Something to think about if you're a person who likes adding lots of mods to their game.
  23. Subscribing to see what else comes out. That 1.2km torus looks amazing, I'd love to use it but I'm not inclined to add EPL quite yet. Maybe once I do.
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