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Everything posted by jordanjay29

  1. I'm concerned about Laythe being difficult to find a place to land due to the thick cloud coverage. It's a good effect, but we don't have any vanilla technology in order to map terrain, which leaves us with either toning down the atmospheric effects or installing another mod. Neither is a fun choice. Also, how are your solar panels working on the surface?! P.S. I wanted to report a fantastic side-effect of this mod. My probe, which happens to be in space between planets right now, is able to spot a glowing Moho, Eve, Duna, Jool, Kerbin (and the Mun and Minmus) and possibly Eeloo (there's a flickering light, and I don't have any other probes out that way, so I'm guessing that's what it is) without the aid of a telescope or zoom. That's pretty cool.
  2. So if I don't have RSS, this isn't for me? Darn, and here I was hoping for some nice truss sections.
  3. This is perfect for detcting whether my spacecraft has entered the upper atmosphere, or is orbiting high or near a celestial body. I always miss opportunities like those.
  4. Add a big mod, like Interstellar, with a few hard-to-reach science tiers.
  5. Laythe - Aquamarine, if anything. If the planet has water oceans and land, it needs to be in the blue family. Titan is likely made of Methane seas, which is an entirely different composition, which explains the different color more easily. Ike - Lighter reflection. Even if the materials shouldn't be reflective, I think that it's a nice effect. Eeloo/Vall - Eeloo doesn't have an atmosphere programmed, so unless that changes, I don't think one should be visually shown. Same with Vall.
  6. Spaceport download link is broken, it complains about a non-allowed file type.
  7. What parts require Texture Replacer? I haven't added this mod and I'm hesitant to do so without serious cause. I'm not sure how many more mods my KSP will handle. Also, the aliasing in Kerbin atmospheric ascent still remains with the FADEDIST set to different values. It looks very blocky and unnatural for a few seconds until the spacecraft reaches the 35km ceiling.
  8. Even so, space is colder than ice cream. No melting for this dessert. Cheese-flavored ice cream?
  9. I thought I saw this before, but is there a way to tone down the aliasing?
  10. Oh, please, no. Minmus is either a moon or a captured asteroid, not a comet.
  11. I'm definitely installing this before I load KSP next. Awesome work so far, Thesonicgalaxy.
  12. Not sure what's going on, but since I've added the Zoology Bay, my experiments have had to fight with it over Kuargs even with the Zoology research paused. I have a Science Lab, Cyclotron and Zoology Bay, along with one Kibbal Storage and an Eccentric Kuargs experiment docked. The Zoology Bay has 1 Kerbal while the Science Lab has 3. My Kuarg count on the experiment will go up, down and halt right around the middle of the experiment requirements. Timewarp and physics warp will cause the Kuarg count to decrease instead of increase. I even pulled out the Kerbal from the Zoology Bay to see if that would help, to no avail. I'm tempted to undock the Zoology bay if I thought it would help.
  13. I'm not sure if anyone's reported it yet, but I noticed a very visible line where the edges of textures meet.
  14. Just adding this to my subs list, I finally got around to adding FAR to my mod list in 0.23.5 and it's terrifyingly fun to watch MJ fail to fly in more realistic atmospheric conditions. Hoping to see a working update soon.
  15. This is pretty cool, a bit nicer than Novapunch's new Frejya pod. Nice work.
  16. The Materials Bay and Mystery Goo, I can see requiring physical movement of the specimen. But the sensors are just that, sensors. They record data just like their equivalent sensors do on Earth, data from a barometer, thermometer, accelerometer and gravity sensor should be completely digital.
  17. I love these helper mods, it really shows that there's a vibrant, healthy modding community here. We need a directory of Mods for Modders for reference.
  18. Don't forget to add a dish and activate it (connect with an overhead satellite) or add the diplole antenna. Regular probe bodies have a 3km antenna embedded inside, which is why you can launch, but lose contact after 3km. The dipole has a 500km range, which should take you to LKO. Just ensure that you have some satellites in LKO as well.
  19. Weird. I upgraded to 0.23 a couple days ago after RT's new release. It worked for a while, but I was experiencing the map mode communication lines distorting when zooming and panning, and then the Switch To bugs and the Space Center failing to load properly after a while. Now my 0.23 game crashes on loading RT. I'm not sure what's going on, but it will either crash or hang on loading one of RT's parts. I've checked the RAM usage while loading, and it's well under 3GB, so it can't be reaching the finite memory limit. The log doesn't seem to have any indication of why KSP crashes, apart from a few missing sound files in NovaPunch2, which shouldn't actually affect anything.
  20. I'd agree with 3 and 4. 5 makes sense, but I'd much rather focus on orbital stations and rockets than ground bases, unless we can get something more useful than science out of them. Resources would have been the real cool part about bases, but those are nixed, so there goes the reason to put any real effort into a ground base. I'd disagree with 1 if KSP allowed the ability for probes to do long-term science. I don't care for 2, that's just going to make people rush to get probes, then never try a manned mission again. And 6 seems silly, there are already anomalies in game, why do we have to make them random?
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