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Everything posted by ShachonianX

  1. I launch OVER 9,000 asteroids at you, dealing a ton of damage. Jeb Status:
  2. Dear Squad, bacon doesn't like rockets smuggling poo into your bag
  3. New video starring two more creations of Rockcoole!
  4. My game is reaching the end of it's second in-game Kerbal year.
  5. Orbital BASE STATION? I knew this was an SSTO, but it has its own ORBITAL REFUELING BASE?
  6. Have you heard of the Nintendo 3DS? You don't need any glasses.
  7. Floor 37: A coffee bean farm operated by a dysfunctional team of cyborg Kerbals, but there are no dysfunctional cyborg Kerbals and no coffee bean farm.
  8. Many people were complaining about them and some liked them, so I decided to see what I would think of them. My favorite happens to be the one where Shepard takes control of the Reapers and has them repair everything.
  9. Same with me. I've never been banned. Ever.
  10. I know that Game Informer likes it, and I happen to also be fine with the endings (watched them on YouTube), but Nerdcubed doesn't exactly like it. So, is it good? If the case, can you change the keys to stop the whole "PRESS SPACE TO DO EVERYTHING" thing?
  11. I'm currently working on an SSTO, which is named the Phoenix.
  12. ShachonianX


    This looks interesting! Maybe for a main plot (an idea i had when I would always think about videogame ideas in my head), people who use magic and other people who use technology. And they are at war. Just an idea, though.
  13. Floor 17: Home of the GOLDEN DONUTS OF HOLY POWER!
  14. Dear Squad, I want you to add more rocket boosters so that we can smash cars which a kerbal is flying directly into Jool. Also I like to shoot kerbals into the Kraken's maw. You should bring love to Kerbin through donuts shaped like Kerbals. This won't add chaos to the game revenue because donuts are tasty and bacon is evil. This pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis will affect Eeloo in landings because Jeb cannot sleep without rockets falling apart almost every millisecond. So multiplayer can kick Bill's kerbehind out the planet's atmosphere. Besides, Bill gets extreme G-force when jeb flies on SRBs. Donkey's lick explosive liquid Kolas when they invade Kerbin with cake and flavored octopus. I eat SANVICH when I play my game on Macindownux. That's not all that Mr. Postman wants from Moho, he crashed his pogo-stick and backstabbed Princess Bubblegum. Frankly, Waluigi jumps
  15. I will not let you kill me! I will hide where I know you can't find me! Under the bed! Oh wait.........
  16. Dear Squad, I want you to add more rocket boosters so that we can smash cars which a kerbal is flying directly into Jool. Also I like to shoot kerbals into the Kraken's maw. You should bring love to Kerbin through donuts shaped like Kerbals. This won't add chaos to the game revenue because donuts are tasty and bacon is evil. This pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis will affect Eeloo in landings because Jeb cannot sleep without rockets falling apart almost every millisecond. So multiplayer can kick Bill's kerbehind out the planet's atmosphere. Besides, Bill gets extreme G-force when jeb flies on SRBs. Donkey's lick explosive liquid Kolas when they invade Kerbin with cake and flavored octopus. I eat SANVICH
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