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Everything posted by Cupcake...

  1. I think you'll be alright, but if in doubt test. Cupcake...
  2. Thanks! There's a mod called Burn Together which lets you pilot multiple vessels at once. Cupcake...
  3. Had a bit of fun in the Jool system. Cupcake...
  4. Went for a little spin around the block. Enjoy! Cupcake..
  5. Had a bit of fun with space lasers. Enjoy! Cupcake...
  6. Had some fun with some teeny weeny little craft. Enjoy! Cupcake...
  7. Just some routine flight testing. Happy holidays! Cupcake...
  8. Thanks man! Great to see you're still active on the forums. Cupcake...
  9. Had bit of fun on Jool Enjoy! Cupcake...
  10. Did a spot of rocket building/salvage. Cupcake...
  11. Today we did a spot of rovering. Cupcake...
  12. Called in the space plumbers. Cupcake...
  13. Just a bit or work on a stock UAV. Cupcake...
  14. You basically have to forget about the wings and land it as though you're landing a rocket. Cupcake...
  15. Good luck! If you're after another current SSTO design check out the Scythe Mk3. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ltyz7zx7skodeu5/AACnWWlv_ekax97oeS118Zcza?dl=0 Best Wishes. Cupcake...
  16. Unblocked the Hyperloop. Cupcake...
  17. The Hex Mk2 featured in this video can be downloaded from the central repository on the OP. Enjoy! Cupcake...
  18. Hi folks, I'm just in the process of organising the OP. The format will be similar to the old method I used, the only difference is I'll be relying more on instructional videos rather then text if a craft needs specific information. All of my current craft are available to download via the central repository. In the weeks ahead I'll be working backwards and creating pages for my latest designs. If you have any questions in the meantime please feel free to drop me a line. All the best. Cupcake...
  19. CRAFT FILE(S):https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ltyz7zx7skodeu5/AACnWWlv_ekax97oeS118Zcza?dl=0 SUGGESTED CRUISE PROFILE: Enjoy! Best Wishes. Cupcake...
  20. I’m afraid this craft and the Vortex aren’t compatible with the latest version as the size of Round 8 tanks has been increased. My latest SSTO design is the Akula which will work with 1.9. The link can be found in the video description. All the best. Cupcake... https://youtu.be/RzeXzR8W1to Here’s the suggested ascent profile: https://youtu.be/1YqLwXFfGl4
  21. Thanks! Glad you like the design. In answer to your question the plane and carrier launch together, I then separate and film the landing. All the best. Cupcake...
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