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Everything posted by Febin

  1. I would recommend the structural fuselage or the structural panels. If you want a lighter version, radial intake air and structural connectors can make for lightweight pontoons.
  2. If you really need to, the Kerbals 600m/s jetpack can land you on Gilly from orbit, and take you back up easily. It works greatt, gives you the EVA and surface report, no instruments though. Good luck!
  3. Impressive, it has a nice look. Can you give us a part count?
  4. I've journeyed into the Moho hole before, sent got a mk2 plane cockpit(the inline one) and covered it in aircraft wheels, it survived all the way down, got the kerbal out to.
  5. It looks like he just put them on. Make sure you put a decoupler above the adapter, as the adapter does not separate on its own.
  6. Dynamic Warp was an old mod back for the .17-.20 versions (roughly). It appears he updated it. Same name, same function. Please give credit to the original author, thank you. P.S. I appreciate the update to the mod. Edit: Same controls to.
  7. The ASAS is an obsolete part, it only existed to not break saves. Back in versions before .21, ASAS was the standard control part, when reaction wheels were reworked in .21, it was kept to not glitch ships from pre-.21.
  8. I believe you need about 650 to return and enter atmosphere. As long as you have a medium amount of fuel you should be fine, if worse comes to worse, leave the craft in circular lunar orbit and send a larger craft to rescue him.
  9. Count me in! Those are some amazing posters, I really like the portal one, may also purchase that one.
  10. I'm 15, and my recommendations are to let him play around with rockets first and watch the explosions, and when he gets the hang of it(enters orbit) show him how to use the navball and what all the markers/symbols mean. Then, challenge him to go for a Mun landing, then onto Minmus, using more science/mathematics to get in orbit, and go from there.
  11. Wow. This is very impressive, will be trying this out later tonight.
  12. Not sure why this is happening to you, try pressing the TAB key to turn on fine controls. This will make the buttons/joystick less sensitive. It would help if you could post some pictures of the planes that do this.
  13. Is that a Lugia and a Shadow Lugia in the parts list? If so can you link me the mod? Fantastic boat by the way. Love the "command tower" and the "stacks" (I dont know boat-speak)
  14. If you enjoyed the five hours, it was not a waste Impressive by the way.
  15. I like the shape, might try to recreate my own version with stock.
  16. Uh, you do realize that you tagged this as "Stock?" please correct. No harm done.
  17. What happens is all your big chutes deploy at once, stopping your craft at such a high speed it breaks. Add a couple drough chutes, let those slow you down, then deploy main chutes. Also, a small, light lander helps.
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