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Everything posted by zzz

  1. If FXModuleAnimateThrottle module can handle it then yes (I thought about it by myself). What I can't to make is corect fins responce to thrust vectoring. ...Well, he use this module and you say it's works so I can do it.
  2. So, pure fantasy, at least I now little better understand what are you (majority) are looking for. Ok then. To be clear, I not mean whole craft, I mean just nozzle design
  3. Well, yes. But how exactly you want it? Is this is OK? Or what? Or maybe something from this Or there something, but hard to clearly see Or even this, but I'm not sure how to turn it into KSP cylindrical shape
  4. it's just strange coincidence. Now need to make a jet. Some hints maybe?
  5. Sort of MPD. It's a 1.25 size part. http://www./download/p3b9cqw8odyb9ia/MPD.7z
  6. Maybe if carefully... Ok then, it's just what come to mind, maybe it was bad idea. I don't even think it's actually necessary, I just like how it sounds.
  7. Someone can to make small "10000V to 5V transformer" (using stock big battery model and simple generator in cfg)
  8. Oh, I see now. I don't remember why and how I did this. But I see you didn't add AnimateHeat module with ThermalAnim = h2 in your fix Then why it's so dark then. For me it was red when throttled. Well, no matter. Ok then.
  9. There no separate link. KAS version will be with new KAS(if KospY will incude it). As I said it didn't have sense without functionality he added to it.
  10. I didn't change anything in cfg apart from the necessary names. To be honest, I don't even know how it must to work. Its appears in VAB, shroud is decoupled with decoupler, and it generate thrust and FX in right direction - for me it was looks like all is correct. Maybe Fractal is know what I mess up there If you about microwave thing, then yes - it's not work - I changed microwave receiver module to pure animation for quick testing. Receiver module is still here by comment but I'm not sure is it's work or not.
  11. You will not see anything special. Just some reds. Also game didn't think it's actually too hot - it's glow to somewhere near half of possible intensivity at full throttle. Erm. yeah - but you can turn it, not big deal, engine itself is working - main thing is direction of thrust transform, not how it's appears in VAB. Every engine is placeable upside down and you can to rotate things in VAB. Why someone can to think it's broken? Well ok, I will try to turn it. Thanks for some critique feedback:) -- This must be in correct direction http://www./?v06h5r7a37y2gss
  12. Take small maneuverable craft(not necessary but more handy), stop it close to the guy and push him by the hatch to give him a chance to catch ladder. It's can be tricky but I did it several times in similar situations. Like docking but little harder.
  13. Well, I made some nozzle, nothing spectacular this time(something like cuted Skipper). Maybe next thing will be better. http://www./?ez1yclitbiuiccq
  14. Nope. I not intrested in doing something with things from here, modifing existed or making something similar. Sorry
  15. I don't think so. I was very obscure project from unknown developer and even if someone knew - people can't to keep things in memory for such long period. It's also avaiable via dosbox as well as any other old game. Or maybe you mean "buying" then yes, it's impossible this days.
  16. No. It was special version for KAS by request. Without KAS functionality separation will not give you any advantages.
  17. It can't. This is disadvatage of it. It's do nothing with acceleration.
  18. I see. I can to make it. I like moving things and it can to used as model for small\tiny sized version instead just rescale. Something simple. But I need to finish with engines(thermal\plasma\jet) at first before to take something else.
  19. I know barely nothing about unity coding. "emmisive color.a" is how called emissive map alpha(transparency) multiplier in material, I use it in animation.
  20. Can you to control emmisive color.a (0-1.5) by the plugin or it's will be too hard?
  21. I'm too, this is more or les resonable design in comparsion, this is why decide do not nitpick and to delete my post.
  22. If you cut out NERVA (lv-n)nozzle - you will got this thing. But if LV-N have predefined reactor there you can to choose which one will be used. I thoght similar, but there is what I call "several approaches". Make it to be reasonable simple bell nozzle or make it something I don't know what advanced cool looking. But even with bell I still not sure how to make it.
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