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Everything posted by Dappa

  1. I suspect we might get axial tilt! Looking at Duna(1:32 in the trailer) with a fully lit ice cap suggests it's about 90 degrees titled. Also look at the ringed planet at 1:58, the terminator doesn't cross directly over the pole but seems to be a few degrees off. Similar example at 2:13. And because rings are typically in an equatorial orbit, axial tilt is a much needed feature to light them properly and make the game look good.
  2. Awesome! Will KSP 2 allow for planets with axial tilt, like Earth's 23.5°?
  3. I'd say intersect is definitely the correct term. Even the example above clearly shows that the two trajectories intersect, yet closest approach is 6025.1km, so there is no intercept! Leave it as is.
  4. Although this is an old thread, let me just add my voice to this. I think it would be great to have Kerbin tilted a few degrees, with one moon on the equator and the other moon in the ecliptic plane.
  5. Do you have Blizzy's Toolbar installed? It's required for 1.4.0, and I assume it still is for 1.4.1 because there's no fix for this mentioned in the changelog.
  6. Settings can be changed in settings.cfg. In most KSP installs prefer not to have the toolbar, because I never use it anyway. However, since my previous post I've noticed that this mod doesn't work at all without the toolbar. No flares, no skybox dimming, no distant vessels, nothing. This was also the case in DOE 1.3 (the update that added toolbar support, or rather the requirement), which was the reason I asked in the first place.
  7. Awesome, thanks for the update! Does this version still require Blizzy's Toolbar, or is its use optional?
  8. It seems you're looking for "velocity:surfaceheading". Just add 180 and you'll be going in the opposite direction.
  9. The problem with your script is that it just ends immediately after locking the throttle. That resets the throttle, and keeps the ship spinning if it wasn't done turning to retrograde. To prevent your script ending too soon, try adding the following at the end: wait until periapsis < 0. That should keep your script running until you're de-orbited.
  10. I was just thinking about modularity too, and I think Camacha has a good point. Modularity is what makes KSP so great. Having one part capable of doing everything would spoil that in my opinion, it's just too easy if you ask me. If you want to make a craft that can do everything, but it'll cost a lot of mass (and money). In fact, I think Squad already takes this too far, by putting loads of torque on the capsules. Well, then how much should a probe core (or crew capsule) be able to do? Real world robotic spacecraft execute a sequence of commands uploaded from the ground. They usually do very little decision-making, they don't calculate their own burns or required attitudes. The kOS computer lets us do much more than that, which brings us back to modularity. Just thinking aloud here, you could go as far to make certain computer types capable of executing commands, but not able to run programs, or disable certain logic? I'm sure you'll find the right balance.
  11. I don't see the planets (their flares) any longer in 1.3, while they were fine in 1.2. I also have not been able to spot any satellite flares.
  12. But a bit of proper maths can make a beautiful script! So it's well worth the head-hurting.
  13. I'm with you on that one, I quite like the Target Active Vessel feature, and it has never given me any trouble.
  14. My idea of failsafe? Point a bigger dish at the lost craft. That should be doable with tweakables, but it would probably also require a simulation of antenna gain, instead of averaging ranges. Just pushing a button to reconnect when you messed up, feels like cheating to me.
  15. I think having all those comm options would stray too far from the purpose of kOS. Such advanced communication capability would be better served by integrating kOS and RemoteTech. In fact, while the current communication system of kOS already is very simple, I think it should be simplified or omitted.
  16. I posted the following on Github as a bug report, but it'll probably be read by some additional people here, for whom might clear up some confusion about the surface velocity vector. It seems to be flawed at the moment. The orientation of the velocity:surface vector seems somehow fixed to the planet, and not to the local horizon. This becomes especially clear in a circular equatorial orbit, when the surface velocity vector should remain constant (in direction and magnitude). Instead, it varies wildly, depending on your longitude. So while the length of the vector is correct, its direction isn't.
  17. I just launched my first rocket with kOS, it's awesome! But I did notice something rather annoying while testing. This was part of part of my program: lock steering to up + R(0,-60,-180. Notice that I forgot the ) to close the angles. I'd expect it to return a syntax error and abort the script, but it actually crashes the game!
  18. That Rozer is such an ass. How can Genanand, Corald an Mallock fail that 'test' when they don't even know that there is another fuel source. For all I know they passed that test with flying colours, because they knew something had to be done when fuel was running out. Looking forward to the next chapter!
  19. I like the dish itself, but I think you should ditch the fairing, there are a number of other mods that already take care of fairings. With this fairing built in, I see three possibilities: 1. You build a small sat with only this big dish, and it looks good. 2. You build a bigger satellite, which needs another fairing to go over this fairing. A fairing over a fairing? That's weird. 3. You launch your satellites without fairings, and this fairing looks out of place. So in reality, the fairing only works for case #1. But this is never going top happen anyway, because any vessel with a large large dish usually has more antennas and/or dishes. That's why I think this antenna shouldn't have a built in fairing.
  20. Pretty much, yeah. And you know what that means... KA-BOOM. This story is practically writing itself.
  21. An amazing read, thanks! Let's hope that BERTY's software update lets it forget about Rozer's status as commander.... Now how about leaving Rozer behind on the surface of Duna? All those in favour say 'Aye'!
  22. Then do it like I do it: a small launch vehicle with the one satellite at the time. You can even do it unmanned with a steep ascent trajectory. Just delay your gravity turn for a few km, aim you apoapsis at 100km, and start circularizing the orbit as you approach 70km altitude. You can easily do all this before you lose contact, just make sure you have enough thrust for the latter part. When you come around to KSC again, raise the apoapsis to GEO altitude, you know how to do the rest. The satellite will end up downrange of KSC, making the launch of the second satellite a little easier. It also gives coverage to place a second satellite east of the first one. Third satellite will be easy, and establishes full coverage around Kerbin.
  23. The trick is to only give small inputs, don't make any sudden moves. You'll get up there. And if that is not enough help, right-click the probe, and click "Toggle debug delay". It'll get rid of the 1 second delay, and leaves only the real delay.
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