Challenge #64 Complete! Total Kerbals lost: 1 Vessels recycled: 7 Extra-Kerbin Landings: 5 I got the Act Corp Valkyrie Fuel Core up into orbit, and docked to the Valkyrie. No fuel from the fuel cores was used as requested. I couldn't line up the Valkyrie for an easy docking, because the Kraken awoke as soon as I switched to it (with the fuel cores nearby). So I had to do a fly-around to get to the docking port I wanted. As a result, I used a little more RCS to rendezvous and dock than I would have liked. After docking was performed, it was time for the booster core to be disconnected and de-orbited. Dilney happily hit the staging button, thereby disconnecting the booster. He waited for the booster to fly away, but then he noticed something didn't quite go according to plan. He soon discovered that disaster had struck! As it turned out, someone forgot to fit the remote control module to the booster, making it impossible to fly away from the Valkyrie and de-orbit. To make matters worse, the separation motors malfunctioned, causing the vehicles to separate much too slowly for Dinley's liking. Unwilling to spend any of Valkyrie's fuel for an evasive manoeuvre, the engineers on the ground quickly put together a vehicle with remote control, to serve as the booster's brain, so to speak. The rocket is a little overbuilt, as the Kerbals didn't have time to test the vehicle. It's up on the launch pad right now, waiting for someone to grab the remote. Challenge #65: 1. Get the "Brains" on the launch pad into orbit 2. Reach the discarded Fuel Core Booster, named "Valkyrie Debris" and dock to it. 3. De-orbit the discarded booster with the Brains module(s). Notes: - It may be necessary to launch a second, identical "Brains" vehicle, to balance the the stack before it is de-orbited. - The second action group opens the solar panels. - The separation motors on the discarded booster can still fire. - Think about your attitude and which engine you use to de-orbit.