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Everything posted by Yoloswaggins

  1. Been testing this out and have come across one strange thing. I built a rover/skycrane thingy using the kerbal attachment system and was testing it on Kerbin. No problems with re-entry using a heat-shield but when it comes to deploying the rover from the skycrane, it winches down about a meter and then the skycrane explodes. According to the post flight screen the crane components are exceeding their g-limit. The crane itself is drifting down at about 7 m/s on parachutes when this happens. I tried with KAS in both docked and undocked mode to no avail. I've no idea what's causing the g-overload and am presuming it's just an issue between KAS and deadly reentry. Anywho just thought I'd give you a heads up as it would be nice to have the skycrane working. I'm enjoying both mods and don't really want to give either up, but I also love skycranes and don't wanna shelf those either. Dilemmas, dilemmas
  2. Cheers man, I can safely say this Ute is no lightweight. On the double rover wheels, it might be worth talking to the creators of the caterpillar track mod, creating a bogie unit with no actual tracks on the road wheels might work using his plugin, if you get what I mean. Of course considering my complete lack of knowledge in making mods for unity I'm just guessing. Looking forward to giving those new wheels of yours a spin
  3. It ain't pretty but it'll get you there. Space Ute to the Mun. However Jeb quickly discovered Space Utes suspension is far too rigid for low G operation. I guess it's back to the drawing board (actually with SAS on, a bit of RCS when things get hairy and NEVER ever going faster then 23m/s it's controllable but hair-raising and great fun to drive)
  4. Four wheels good, twelve wheels better Loving these mods, great work man.
  5. Yup they are indeed, they are also used for primary power for forward flight up to about Mach 2 where they are shut down and the ram jets take primacy. And yup UD stands for Utility Dropship. According to the manual there are also AD-19C/D Bearcat and AD-17A Cougar Attack dropships plus UD- 22 Navaho and UD-4 Cheyenne Utility dropships. Though it doesn't give any details on these other Dropships at all. All this info comes from the Colonial Marine Technical Manual. I don't know if you can still buy it, I got mine in the late 90's but if you can I recommend it. It's a good read for those who like details. Ideally I'd say the Dropship needs three kinds of engines, a jet engine for VTOL and low altitude/low speed stuff. An aerospike for high altitude/high speed stuff and a rocket motor for non-atmo flight. They really squeezed alot of guff into this thing which apparently weighs only 18 tonnes. Also love the pics Logan, that back flip is pure Kerbal testing at it's finest And for the lols a quote from the tech manual.
  6. No worries Logan, my first post so it was delayed for moderation. Probably wasn't even there when you posted your reply The info I have states that the UD-4 has two types of powerplant. The two forward ones mounted behind those big rectangle intakes are Republic Dynamics TF-900 variable-cycle turbines, producing 310kN of static thrust. At sub-sonic speeds they operate as turbo-fans and at supersonic speeds the engines operate as supercruise capable turbojets. The other set of engines mounted in the tail section are TF-220/A-14 ram rockets. They can operate as ram/scram-jets or as ram rockets by moving the inlet spike to change the airflow volume passing through the engine or can push the spike fully forward to block the combustion chamber off for trans-atmospheric flight. Hope that helps.
  7. Wow, that dropship looks amazing, can't wait to give it a go. If it helps I dug out my old Colonial Marines Handbook and did some checking and that port below the nose is in fact the vertical engine exhaust, so she does in fact have a lift nozzle placed forward of the cargo bay. Also those ramps on front of the main engine intakes aren't airbrakes and don't articulate. They are just to direct airflow into the Republic-Dynamics main engines, the airbrakes are mounted in the tail section and deploy horizontally. Marked as number 44 in the image. Hope that helps you out somewhat. If you want any other technical details give me a yell. I'm really looking forward to having a go with this baby.
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