My first Mun landing? Well, I don't count the various probes or rovers I put there (or tried to put there). No, what matters is the first time I put a man up there. That man was Bill Kerman (Jeb was involved in a horrid accident some time earlier). Getting there was easy enough, but landing became something of an issue. Bills lander was a tall rocket with struts at the bottom and was quite top heavy. This wouldn't have been an issue had he not landed on a steep hill. His ship tipped over and started to slide. It stopped (eventually), allowing him to perform a Mun walk. After climbing back in he had to try taking off, but that was going to be a bit of an issue. By extending and retracting his landing gear he managed to pop his ship into the air, giving him a very brief window in which to take off without scraping his ship along the Muns surface. He gunned it and pulled up. It was close, the rear of his ship missing the ridge of a nearby hill by only a few meters, but he did it. After reaching a safe altitude he changed course and headed back home. Amazingly, he had enough fuel (and luck) to manage a landing within 5 kilometers of the launch pad.