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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. There definitely needs to be some reshuffleing in the future. I am pretty sure I had unlocked RCS tanks at one point without having access to an RCS engine.
  2. Ession


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  3. I'm not sure, but doesn't strutting things together cancel the ejection force as well?
  4. I'm pretty sure the probes (all command parts for that matter) now have SAS (not reaction wheels, just SAS) build in.
  5. The general rule of the Steam sales is to never buy something that is not a flash/choice/daily deal. Everything that is 10%/20% cheaper and not one of those three has a high chance to get into one of those three categories and be even cheaper. If the Game you want hasn't been made cheaper by the last day you can still get it then.
  6. ^*evil moderator ninja -.- It's between 400k and 1.2mio.
  7. those numbers are not inside the atmosphere. Those are 688-695 kilometers.
  8. That's the 250m hop from april. Same (dead?) bird in the beginning.
  9. My least favorite is probably the nerva. It's just to good. I don't like the fact that using anything else for interplanetary stuff is pretty much wrong (in a efficiency kind of way). I hope this changes a bit when we get different resources for the nerva (make the radioactive fuel more expensive for career mode or something). My least USED engine is definitely the white radial one.
  10. The Falcon Heavy will do some fuel cross-feeding as well. http://www.spacex.com/falcon_heavy.php
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