So, I've got a question for you all. Maybe there's a set answer or maybe there's a debate going on about it, either way I'm curious as to what you guys think. I've been designing a large ship, with two orange fuel tanks, to go to Jool. Along with spots to hold many probes, I included 5 docking hardpoints for nuclear engines to be attached on-orbit. Hey, it looked cool. While I was pondering this at work today, I came across a thought; Adding engines increases fuel consumption right along with the added thrust, of course, so therefore the ship won't "go any farther" (delta-V) with 5 engines as opposed to like 2 or 3. When you factor in the mass of the added engines, I thought that it might even *decrease* my delta-v by adding more engines onto the same chassis. Then I thought: does this same logic go all the way down to one engine? My question for you: Is ONE and ONLY ONE engine always the best way to get the most delta-V out of my ship? Do the added engines and thrust reduce the delta-V from the weight that is added? Thanks for any help, I'm sure this concept is well understood by most of you, but it's not something I could figure out for myself. -Slinky