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Everything posted by Nerfherde

  1. Sooo I had a contract to build a space station over kerbin, and Another one over minmus. This is what I did: waited long enough for the contract to complete And then proceedd to Minmus
  2. Sooo I had a contract to build a space station over kerbin, and Another one over minmus. This is what I did: http://i.imgur.com/FIZ0A1r.png waited long enough for the contract to complete And then proceedd to Minmus http://imgur.com/FIZ0A1r,TOPpj2S,toAYuic#2
  3. This is ISS, Improved space station. Under Construction with the help of Mech Jeb. She is a Little small, but im getting there
  4. After finally Learning how to dock, im now pretty good at it. Im just enjoying building my own station, trying to make it as big as kerbally possible.
  5. When you are going to land on the mun and notice you forget the landing legs...
  6. and you managed to completely miss my last few posts.
  7. Whiners and meaningless trolls are not welcome in this thread, please respect that.
  8. Now that I finally learned how to dock, a crazy idea popped into my head. How about a space station that stretches all the way around Kerbin. Is that even possible?
  9. Houston, we have a hard dock. I never thought I would, but I did. Took all day, trying trying trying. Amazing. F5 and F9 are your buddies hehe. Seeing the magnet locks suck in the ships was an awesome sight. Now, maybe, just maybe, i can go to other planets. Woohoooo.... If i can remember how i did it.
  10. Well, I downloaded mechjeb 2.0.7. And it got me to EVE! By mistake i might add hehe. But at least I got to Another planet, through cheating.
  11. Strange, it imploded after 10000 m. Wonder why
  12. https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-7hfQ9M6fdCM/UZoBJOR2jEI/AAAAAAAAAHY/oL4yLZukrxU/w1127-h634-no/screenshot6.png <--this aint front Heavy hehehe. I here by name thee "Desperate measures".
  13. https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/115116670122980054549/albums/5878092151979577521/5878092157148835346 My RCS placing. I might add though, that RCS doesnt matter in my case, because I cant get Close enough so that I have to use them
  14. Will do tomorrow, time to sleep again.
  15. I forgot to say thanks, im a little suprised by the response. Birrhan, i font know if you see that I posted an orbital map of my 2 crafts in orbit yesterday. Orbits I strangely can master hehe. Hmm feel like playing 0.85 again, think I still have that file somewhere...
  16. Ok, so none of your tips are working for me. How about other planets? Using manouver nodes "until they hit something" just doesnt work...
  17. Aha, the problem seems to be I have never been Close enough for that to happen
  18. Do you mean the "Control from here" Icon?
  19. I tried both stations and very small ships. Like I said in TS i also watched scott manley. I just dont get it.
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