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Everything posted by Nerfherde

  1. The biggest issue about docking is that I cant specify the problem. If I knew what I was doing wrong I would fix it myself, right?
  2. Thanks, alot for your help everyone. But I have to sleep will try everything you posted tomorrow, especially ThatBums advice
  3. ThatBum: i first read ALTITUDE problem, so you are not alone The problem is I have never even got within Visual range
  4. Hope this works: https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-tCO70BwqbzI/UZE-pQ9JUYI/AAAAAAAAAFk/zAHIRBaHxk4/w645-h363-no/screenshot0.png
  5. Hehe, actually, about RCS i remember seeing a video of how the real Life rcs worked in the Gemini program. Aligned them accordingly and it works. Im trying to find a good Place to upload pics to now...
  6. Soooo i got me 2 stations in nice perfect orbits around kerbin. About 200k and enough fuel to get to the mun if I want. So far so good. Now what? I tried Reading the very nice instructions here, but to no avail.
  7. Where am I ranting against KSP? I love this game, even though its very difficult for me.
  8. All of the above, actually. I just cant figure out what is happening.
  9. I tried Mechjeb. Like Secondguessing said, its just like honey. Make you feel like WOW, i can do anything now. Well. Not me hehe.
  10. Well folks, im not as new here as it can seem. I have been playing KSP since 0.8.5. So its been a while. I can remember the first time Squad introduced the infamous struts system, and i figured it made all the difference inte the World. Game World, that is hehe. Im kind of frustrated. Why you might ask. I have managed to build small stations and can put them in any orbit, any height that i want. So that im happy with. What im not happy about is that im not able to dock. No matter how many tutorials I Watch online, not even Scott Manley, and I do love his videos. I still cant learn how to dock. I cant even learn how to get to other planets. I can get to the mun just fine, by brute force. That is, wait until the mun and the space Craft is aligned, launch and see if you got it right. I guess, if I learn how to dock i could learn how to get to other planets. Once I made it to Duma, by mistake, but I dont remember how to do that again. And I was out of fuel, so I had a Lovely crash there. I use the new navsystem, but it doesnt work for me. Still cant dock. Still cant get to other planets. Annoyed. Dont get me wrong, I LOVE KSP. I initally bought it when Squad first charged Money for it. When Steam was introduced, I transferred KSP to there because i was so sick of the servers going down every time a new release happened. So Steam has this thing that shows how many hours you played a game. It says 69h since download. That is FAR MORE than any other game I own. All the latest shooters (yes bought). They dont have the same "draw me in" feel like KSP. No other game I have ever played comes remotely Close. And I have been playing computer games since VIC-20 was introduced. So. I hope I one day can learn how to dock...
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