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  1. I don't understand how it holds the attitude I set, when the idea behind setting a certain attitude is "let go a little early so you can go to the right place." What is a little early? How long to I hold D to set an attitude of 70 degrees at an 090 heading without my SAS overshooting? Where's the predictability or intuitiveness? Why take a system that was predictable and usable and replace it with guess work? What's the point on having it if I cant use it in a predictable manner? And I was referring to the mass of the reaction wheel as part of SAS because the pods, while they do seem to have some torque according their descriptions, probably don't have enough to maintain heading with a larger rocket, so I was kind of thinking the reaction wheel was a given for full functionality on the new SAS system. Sorry for being confusing.
  2. So if it requires you to kill most of the swing yourself, what's the point of not flying manually? Also when is "letting off early enough"? That doesn't seem intuitive at all, and why make it weigh more when it's a bit less useful than it was before?
  3. Logged in to my lurker account because I'm having huge issues with the new ASAS. That doesn't make any sense, if you have enough torque to start turning a vessel, you have enough to stop it.
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