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Everything posted by Kermunist

  1. IIRC the game uses the density of the resource, the ISP and the thrust to calculate how much of the resource it needs. As the density of electricity is zero, it needs an infinite amount, which it can't get. Hence it is deprived. This is why you can't create thrust with just electricity. You might be able to work around the problem by adding a resource generator module to the part. You can then generate a propellant (which has mass) at the same speed the engine uses it.
  2. The Roche limit is given by: Where: RM = radius of planet = 600 000m pM = density of the planet = 58 484.791 kg/m3 pm = density of the moon = 13 496.490 kg/m3 (numbers from wiki) so the roche limit d is 2 390 000 meters, or 2 390km. This is the point at which loose rubble will start being lifted from the surface of gilly. If the superdense material it's made from is also strong, it might be able to go closer before breaking up. Edit: IIRC in KSP the SOI limit is approximately where the moon's gravity is equal to the planet's. At the Roche limit, the SOI size would be the same size as the moon. Within the Roche limit, the moon has no SOI and ships landed on it will gradually float away -- as they should (albeit probably quicker than they should).
  3. Well I suspect the winning design for this challenge will be half a dozen hitchikers covered in parachutes, but that's not really my idea of an escape pod. I submit my standard escape pod (Pod, Escape, MKII Heavy). Now with SSTO launch vehicle: By my count 7 parts and 3 Kerbals gets me 10*(30-7)*3 = 690 points I'm also claiming: Precision Landing for 50 points (if 5.4km is close enough) Now you're just showing off for 100 points (with my first ever SSTO!) for a total of 840 points I reckon 5000+ points is doable, I may have a go at the weekend... Oh, and I know the challenge is stock only, but I have CrewManifest installed. It doesn't affect the flight in any way, so hopefully it's OK.
  4. Move the mouse up to the top center of the map screen (or click a small tab up there? can't remember), and a bar similar to the one in the tracking station will appear. Click on the debris icon to show only debris Right-click it to add it to the list of things being shown.
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