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Posts posted by Fonso

  1. Every time I update this pack, I get the same. All ships (KSO related) I had on orbit become unusable, odd things happen when coming close with another vessel and can't control them either (parts disappearing, unusable components, etc.) Do I need to rebuild the station with each update? Does this happen to any of you too? I use KSP Mod Admin 1.3.11 for faster and correct mod loading, maybe it has something to do with all this mess?

    Here a picture of some odd behaviour, FPS reduced to 1 and also THIS:


  2. Solid as in they are not three or more pieces. The nosecone, middle section, end section are all welded. LRB are separate from the EFT though.

    So will we have to rely on the separatron force to keep the LRBs away from the EFT? will they properly detach as the Soyuz first stage does?

    Sorry, but I don't see what got removed between that pic and the previous ones

    Agree, seems like another blind bat here :P

  3. all depends on my schedule and if there is enough demand and appreciation for that sort of thing.

    LOL appreciation you say?? Have you seen this whole thread? It is the most active en the development subforum, pleople love this shuttle (including myself, 'cause I love lurking this every day watching the incredible improvements and wishing for a soon release)

  4. First of all, welcome to the community!

    Now, a personal list with some great mods:

    - MechJeb 2.0.9 (yes, beta, but 0.21 compatible) This will automate mainly... wel... everything.

    - Lazor system: Many useful things, you will love the port cam, makes rendezvous much easier.

    - KW Rocketry or NovaPunch or AIES or all of them (if you can) more parts, for science

    - ISA MapSat For terrain exploration

    - B9 Aerospace if you like making planes

    - DeadlyReentry for heat damage and G-Force tolerance, mainly dangerous during reentry, of course

    - LazTekSpaceXLaunchPack If you love SpaceX

    - LaunchCountDown: Deal with it

    There are many more, this is just a bit to start with. Hope you really enjoy this game as much as I do!

  5. Those are a problem with KSP, it can only save one animation state per part. The solution is to disable one of the animations in the cfg file.

    Thanks for your reply, is there any way to 'priorize' one animation? I mean, for the panels, it's obviously more important the panel state than the umbilical state.

  6. Change solar panels and landing struts animations. I don't know about programming, but something about it makes both of them not remain persistant after game saving/loading (I mean, when tomorrow I come back to my dragon pod landed in Duna, landing legs are retracted, also solar panels are retracted in my ISS attached dragon, even though it says they are deployed in the right-click menu) Also, it could be great if we could extend landing struts by pressing 'G'

    Thank you for your great work, it's nice to see you again!

    So are those things fixed? At least looked at them? I can't try the capsule myself right now....

  7. Change solar panels and landing struts animations. I don't know about programming, but something about it makes both of them not remain persistant after game saving/loading (I mean, when tomorrow I come back to my dragon pod landed in Duna, landing legs are retracted, also solar panels are retracted in my ISS attached dragon, even though it says they are deployed in the right-click menu) Also, it could be great if we could extend landing struts by pressing 'G'

    Thank you for your great work, it's nice to see you again!

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