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Everything posted by vinsent10

  1. It's fun like minecraft.You can play it for the thrill of doing new stuff and when that stuff is over you just play it out in your own way.You can build a mün base,a house held up by propellers take on a challenge in the challenge forum.It follows a formula.It is what you make it.Yes you can call it ''just put bases on other planets'' but then you don't really get the Point of the game.If you don't like making bases do something else in the game that you like.start a Company in the forums to make flying rovers and other stuff that hasn't been invented yet '
  2. what would you call it's ''thrust''.You can't really call it thrust since it has one thing unique that no other type of motor/Engine in the game has.It doesn't push Crafts(I know there are such planes with propellers on the back).It was more mean't to drag/lift.Is there a way to measure it or is there already a Word to measure ''pushing/lifting power''?
  3. he is safely doing his work in the science station 75km above kerbin.The station has a kobuz in case jeb would need to return
  4. On some weekends i have a marathon of watching BBC's ''space race.'' ep1:'' ''ep2: '' ''ep3: '' ''ep4: '' ''
  5. noob question,but how do you rotate while thrusting with RCS?
  6. ''The entertainer'' because it really isn't often my stuff gets to space
  7. Well first you should see what is causing the lag by putting different settings on and off.
  8. CPU:I7 4770k, GPU:780ti ram:16 2100 mhz vengeance. and the rest really doesn't affect the fps
  9. I think they are okay but i don't like how the ends of the tanks look.I sometimes want to have big space to put multiple engines on these tanks but it looks quite ugly in the curret state
  10. I had an idea that a contract should sometimes include pre-made probe that the company wants you to send to designated targets/planets and also include missions on what to do with the probe(research specific biomes and more).What do u guys think of that idea?
  11. i got s ome great vidz to start out here's the best one: http://www.wimp.com/wisdomnye/ thanks to that vid i can now get anywhere in the system
  12. i tried to go to duna ended up using whatever i had on the lander to land on kerbin(hadn't made it to duna)
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