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Everything posted by Buckshoot

  1. I remember the time i had time to put my archangel station in orbit. check it out. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/33503-Show-off-your-B9-Designs%21?p=521468#post521468
  2. last night i added mechjeb to the 24.2 version found that when i turn Smart SAS to go retrogra or prograde, it does not point int correct direction. I have also enhanced navball. Is there a fix for this bug?
  3. last night i installed interstellar 0.11 on the ksp .24.2 and found that the turbojets flame was on back and down, even on the VAB. is there a fix for this mod to run on 24.2??
  4. We should provide links to the latest versions as we did in mod compatibily thread for 23.5 It was / is the best way to avoid having threads all over the place with updates and last versions and patches, etc. Just a sugestion. You report a mod working, send a link. Be a friend.
  5. In preparation to the .24 update i been collecting ships from the kerbal system. Yesterday i returned 12 kerbals from 3 science ships on Duna (around 3000 science) plus one science ship i had in laythe (5700 science). still 3000 science left for the interstellar warpdrive. Now ill start working on reusable rocket models and collecting antimatter (3000 units overall already)
  6. Imagine a small LF tank. Now imagine it's not a LF tank but a fully functional unfolding rover. Thats how awesome this mod is.
  7. I use FAR, DR, TAC life support, RT2. It makes the game more demanding. Whitout it ksp is a game. With them its a real space simulator. My opinion, make it fun for your style, otherwise whats the point of playing.
  8. Thats the best news i had all day. Just want to say thank you for all your work. Some mods changed the game in such a away that i can't imagine playing without them. Yours is one of those mods. Thank you again.
  9. Dear GOD. I refresh this page every 30 min. Can't wait to get my hands on this mod, again. Smashing mod. Great work.
  10. Can somebody show me how to have stock antennas and RT2 antennas at the same time. i'm asking this because i had to disable the RT2 (renamed the plugin) and the stock antennas where not working, like stock. I mean, the stock antenna would transmit science without a problemm but now, after the rename of the RT2 plugin, all stock antennas are out. Can someone help??
  11. Can we transfer the kethane maps from one save game to another? I cant even finde the map files. Can someone help me? I just don't want to do the scans again.
  12. Just installed latest version of KSO on a clean ksp instalation and when i try the kerbal lab i found a bug. when i click with the right mouse button on the lab all right mouse option desapear from all parts of th ship. Nothing is available, no solar panels retract, nothing? can someone help?
  13. I think i'll order a few. My kerbals feel reluctant to go to space. Not that the ships explode or crash alot *coughs*. I think they just want a new toy to blow... ehhh....fly up. Keep up the good work.
  14. Can anybody tell me how to make a fleet (3 or 4 KSO) with diferent names on the command modules?
  15. Kerbal Space Program I just found out. Congratulations SQUAD. You really deserve it. http://www.game-debate.com/awards/2013/nominee/kerbal-space-program
  16. Hyperedit and debug Menu = Cheating Mechjeb = Autopilot Mods = Not Cheating Tuned up parts that perform unrealistically = Cheating ( engine that have 10000 isp and almost doesn't use fuel is cheating to me ) The bottom line is, you know when you are cheating and it doesn't feel right and the game is not fun.
  17. Managed to land the probe but forgot the increased eve gravity. It did some damage but still managed to perform "science" even the surface sample test. Unfortunately it only has 20 of fuel and Ox. It will be abandoned. I'm glad i sent an unmanned probe.
  18. It's like Umlux said. You came in too low. My first attempt was at 45km and it crashed and burned. got in too fast and eve's gravity made me crash. second attempt was at 55km aiming the ship prograde to circularize. Landing was another problemm.
  19. Made my first successful aerobrake on Eve Now to land the science probe.
  20. That would be nice but getting a ship inside the ring would be a problem since ksp ship usually are quite large.
  21. Not trying to preasure the dev's but it's not the first mod that's dropped because someone released a similar first. I would hate to see these AWESOME parts go to waste. Like you said: Please take your time, no preasure. Make it right. Release it then make it better. This will be a awesome mod, with awesome parts. Can't wait for it. On a side note, i haven't seen a energy generator. There are a lot of them on warp drive mods but as mass relay's are extremely heavy and complex i would thing that it shoud be a chaleging thing to build. Something like 3 parts (relay, batterie, generator) that had to be put together in orbit due to it's wheight. The relay is 60t, the batterie should be at least 80t. If you add a nuclear generator of 40t it would be harder to put in orbit on one trip. Or maybe some huge solar panels that would make the final structure larger in space. I mean Mass Effect's mass relay ships where huge. Just a thought. Keep up the good work. and i like the new batteries more.
  22. Just one question. Where is it? I need this. THIS IS AWESOME. Do a release. Let the players test it out. Great work. Amazing parts. Keep it up.
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