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Everything posted by Buckshoot

  1. Made two perfect transfers to Duna. Recon sat with enough fuel do scan the moons. Lander on the planet and return ship fully loaded. Both ships used about 1500 delta-v to get into circularized orbit of duna.
  2. lots of time. Last two incidents where a probe on route to moho, no time acceleration, mid way between the sun and kerbin. I left the pc to get a drink and when i came back it was spinning crazy. 3 engines blew up. 3 days ago a rover on the mun went crazy. Controls went dead with no keyboard response. 15 seconds later it blew up. It just blew up. Starting to think of making kerbal sacrifices to the kraken. He must be mad at me.
  3. First trip to Duna. Unmanned probe. Pretty sure of my delta-v calculations. Everything went fine until it was time to decelerate to circularize orbit. After almost 2 hour of real time the end result was probe went in and probe went out of orbit and into unknown space. Sometimes i still go see it just to remind me to always add more fuel.
  4. Today i tested 3 new lifter systems. 90t, 220t and 400t. Very high part count. Also fixed the persistent file after an random kraken attack on a long term mission craft. (3 engine exploded by them self)
  5. User hyperedit to test it on Minmus. It went crazy like a kangaroo on steroids. Tested on the Mun and it did fine. That is until i start testing the top speed and turning capacity. Then it BUMMM. Going to test on Duna before attaching it to the rocket. Only have two more KSP days before the transfer window opens for Duna. Minmus already has a heavy mining base with orbit capability for refueling the mission to Duna so this rover will not go there.
  6. Today i made this in preparation for a colonization mission. it's still fragile and was only tested with 1.5t. Needs more work
  7. Savegame names are Tester (working) and Fenix (not working). Just one other thing. After i copy Fenix savegame and renamed it i can select crafts on all savegames. Apparently the mod is only reading craft files from the location of the Tester savegame.
  8. Don't now if this as already been reported but the v3 launchpad, after open, can't open the select craft menu. I looked up at the debug and it was pointing to a VAB directory from a savegame i already deleted. I made a copy of my current savegame and renamed it to match the path on the debuger and the select craft buttom begin to work. Anybody knows how to fix this to work with the current savegame?
  9. upgraded the SS Overseer with a more powerfull telescope. Had to pickup the kerbals before decommission of the old SS SS Overseer MKII Rescue ship Approaching and docking Return safely Attach engines. Opps forgot RCS Decommission
  10. When i loaded the game with the parts they didn't show up. With the plugin they didn't show up. After changing the cfg files all parts where missing except for the demv rover parts. Everything else was gone including the stock parts. Then i tried the mod version i used for the 20.2 ksp version and everything was fine. All i need now is a better isa mapsast mod so i don't run out of memory.
  11. Damned robotis works fine with the version for ksp 0.20 Tried the infernal plugin and changing the cfg files for the parts but it crashed the game. See what works best for you.
  12. Made a 64k kethane, 15k Oxi, 12.5k Liquid Fuel, 4k Mono and 16k Electric refining ship and landed in minmus. I may have overdone it.... Now for a super heavy mining rover. But wait..... it crashed again.
  13. Updated isa satmap mod. Lost all recon sat's. Decided to star new save and placed in orbit first space station in one launch. It has Romfarer laser system and functions as a space control center. Here is the Overseer SS Also launched reconsat's to Kerbin and Minmus orbit.
  14. upgraded to ksp 0.21.1 and updated all mods. Lost 1 refueling spacestation, 2 kethane refining bases and 2 heavy kethane mining rovers *sign* launched 4 map / kethane mapping probes. i'll rebuild the lost ships while waiting for transfer windows to open. Going to moho, eve, duna and possibly jool (need to calculate delta-v)
  15. Archangel Gabriel Refueling SpaceStation - Still incomplete.
  16. Archangel Gabriel Refueling SpaceStation - Still incomplete.
  17. Today i undergo final testing on Mun Base and starting the design of the new spacestation, codename Gabriel. In the meantime here are the photos of the progress so far.
  18. So far i did a ship docking / control space station on kerbin plus a refueling space station also on kerbin and 3 recon isamap and kethane probes on kerbin, mun and minmus. also landed 2 heavy mobile miners on mun and minnmus as well as 2 mobile refining base with orbital refueling capability. working on home 3m munar base: admin module land - ok habitat module land - ok power module land - ok recon module land - CRASHED. redesign all munar base modules for mobility and docking - In progress design interplanetary ship - in progress pictures - soon
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