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  1. Uninstalled Hamachi. KSP starts normally now. Thanks! Oddly enough, I didn't have the problem before. :S EDIT: But it (Hamachi) was installed in April earlier this year, and I can't remember when I played KSP previously to 1.2 being released.
  2. Report Description: Loading time is extremely long. I took the time and the result is: 18 minutes to get to Main Menu. Clean install, no mods. Hard drive recently defragmented. 32-bit: build id = 01586 2016.10.11 at 12:44:52 CEST Branch: master 64-bit: build id = 01586 2016.10.11 at 12:55:15 CEST Branch: master KSP Version: 1.2.0 (Steam) KSP log: http://pastebin.com/nZGKJudb DxDiag: http://pastebin.com/n2FQX40A
  3. For me it took 18 minutes (!) to get to the main menu from pressing play.
  4. Waiting for the game to load. ( Steam 1.2 ) Edit: Perhaps it's better to delete this since it's irrelevant to the topic.
  5. I have pretty much an unimaginative naming scheme. LV-1, -2 etc. where LV stands for Launch Vehicle. There's LV-2T which is a design with a tricoupler, -2TL which is a lander. LV-Prototype # for experimental or design & testing before giving it a designation. For example LV-Prototype 1 was the first launch in career mode, a capsule with a SRB attached to it. LV-Prototype 2 became LV-3 which is an interplanetary design for light payloads using Rockomax parts. I've only unlocked the Skipper so far, needed to do some testing to understand its capabilities. I have an aircraft that I named Swepper, for its swept wings.
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