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Posts posted by orz

  1. *Holds up shiveringly embarrassing entry...*

    Yea... I know... Not too impressive... but I gave it my best shot...

    So I believe I got space and orbit... dunno about the weight challenge. I don't have an easy way to calculate that. ( This is the ship file in case you'd like to see it.)

    Thanks for the fun challenge =)

    Cool design of your satellite! If you add a docking port to it, you could launch one more and get the micro space station achievement :)

    An easy way to see the weight (and other useful stats such as per-stage delta-v and TWR) of your rocket is to install the Kerbal Engineer Redux plugin.

  2. I've done the challenge guys! E1 is me failing, E2 is me overcoming adversity and succeeding.

    Excuse my high-pitched, annoying voice. 14 AND PROUD.



    EDIT: By the way, it has a mass of 6.207 tons which gives me both of the low-mass bonuses.

    I like your design mate. Very clean. :cool:

    I think you might be better off with fewer engines though. As you said in the video, the small engines are quite powerful, and you end up having to throttle them down to avoid wasting fuel against the air resistance. If you are not using all the thrust then basically you are carrying dead weight.

    Try removing 2 of the outer engines and see how high your craft gets then :)

  3. Does exactly as it says on the tin.


    You have to see the edge of the atmosphere using only stock, 0.625 meter parts.

    A larger engine is accepted, so long as it is between 1 - 0.625 meters; same with parachutes.

    The less it weighs, the more points you get.

    You DO NOT have to orbit. just see space. you will get more points if you do orbit.


    The only things that are allowed to be larger than 0.625 meters are engines, parachutes and command pods.

    You must have an apoapsis of at least 70,000 meters

    The ship does not have to be manned. It does not effect points

    Video evidence is preferred compared to images. If you have only taken images, just put them in a video. It makes it easier to judge. (Whether the evidence is video or image, it will not effect your score.)

    You must have proof you attempted the challenge. It could lead to a disqualification if you don't.

    Heres the only cheats or mods you can have: Mechjeb, infinite electric charge. (likely more to come)

    Good luck, and as always, have fun :)

    My first post!

    I have a submission for the compo. Duna and back again, only stock parts, tiny size.

    Total weight of rocket 9.7 Mass Units

    I will edit a video later, but posting some screenshots for now as proof:

    IMGUR album

    Cheers :D

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