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Everything posted by dandirk

  1. Wow this is great, ill take a crack at this and let you know how it goes!
  2. Thanks!, Yeah i figured no one has tinkered yet because of the lack of mods. But, none the less I'm determined to do this since I am a huge graphics guru and I love this game so damn much.
  3. Hello and thanks for the reply! There are 12 different files with the extension .assets ... is there a tool I can use to open / compress those files to view their contents? Thanks!
  4. Hello, I'm looking to create an addon/mod that includes changing Kerbin's planet texture to a more hi-resolution file. Where in the game files can I find the planet texture? I can imagine I would have to do some Hex editing, which is no problem. I would also like to change the Space background as well... Let me know, and any help would be appreciated, Thanks!!!!
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