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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. i swear to you its dmp. we take the dev builds from here : http://chrisand.no-ip.info/dmp/ But ok, I've got some stuff to do now,but later im gonna make you a video in single player with this.
  2. Hey, so ive made the video : This happens always, but only outside of the planet, if i try it right after start while im still acending this bug doesnt appear, but as soon as im in some kind of orbiting hight and apply warp the stuff undocks. as ive mentioned we have last dev realease, im having this issue on osx, my Friends both on windows. ATM we have it running on a dedicated server, heres the last line of the server debug Output : (ive not undocked as you see in the video) EDIT ive just now tryed, this happens no matter what parts i use, i just used stock parts, same problem.
  3. hey, we use last dev release, im gonna make you the youtube video later and post it here.
  4. Hey, so ive tryed it with some friends and basicly we all get the undock bug everytime. So as soon as a Player fastens time/warps, nearly all of his ship parts start to seperate. We have the lastest version, and this happens all the time sadly. So basicly i hae to say i love this mod and how it works - but since this bug appears its basicly not playable... :-/ i forgot to mention - when the parts seperate the stage overview als gets messed up, the different stages remain, however theyre instantly all empty. but it also appears the player can sometimes still control those seperated parts
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