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    Curious George
  1. Thanks, I'll give that a try. Any ideas on the parts trying to attach at really wierd angles, and heavily clipped inside things? An example is trying to mount engine pylons under the heavy wing, they just vanish inside it, making it impossible to mount the big jets.
  2. Hi guys! Inspired by Scott Manley's Interstellar Quest videos, I recently grabbed KW Rocketry (Which is working great), and just the other day, B9 Aerospace. I've downloaded the latest versions of Firespitter.dll and ExsurgentEngineer.dll as advised earlier in this thread, and everything is in and looks great. However, I've been having some considerable issues with the parts. For one, when trying to attach certain of the parts to eachother I seem to find that rather than placing neatly, they tend to want to be at all kinds of very odd angles, and I have to spend considerable time fine-adjusting them to get them lined up. Further, they often seem to clip through eachother. Great example would be adding engine hardpoints to the very large wings, or any of the new landing gear to the underside of wings. Also putting anything inside a cargo bay seems to be near impossible to mount neatly. I've had several quite spectacular aircraft takeoff failures that from what I can tell are a result of the wheels starting to splay away from eachother at speed, though I suspect this may be a side effect of the extensive clipping of the parts into the wings, even after I've tweaked their alignment. As an additional issue, aircraft built with them seem exceptionally reluctant to fly, almost as if the parts are barely generating any lift, even on very small simple aircraft. I even had a go at replicating the spaceplane Scott Manley put together on one of his recent videos, since it represents 'known working tech', so to speak. Granted, he is using a couple of mods I'm not (Most notably FAR), but I would have expected the craft to fly better without it? Still no good. The parts as mentioned earlier didn't mount anywhere near as cleanly as they seemed to for Scott, it suffered several disastrous failures on take-off run, and when into the air barely wanted to climb at all. Anyone got any ideas on what I'm doing wrong here, or if there's something else I need to check with the install? Other mods I'm using; KW Rocketry DMagic Orbital Science Kommit Nucleonics Protractor Thanks!
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