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Everything posted by XeroCoolUSN

  1. No matter what the Nay-sayers....say. I like it!
  2. For those of you that have an understanding of Modding/programing. First off, I am big fan of the new update. Lots of good stuff to keep me coming back in particular are the "place Satellite @ XXXX location". My question which might turn into a suggestion is, can you grade the accuracy of the orbit? For instance, I have to put a SAT in a Equatorial orbit at 15 Mm. If I am at 14.98, I still satisfy the contact but I think it would awesome if at the completion it gave you a percent on how accurate your overall placement was. And if that is possible maybe modifying the contractual reward off of accuracy. Thoughts?
  3. Team Kerbal, I was flying a mission to go survey some land when it hit me. Why haven't I seen/heard a sonic boom around my aircraft. Does anyone know if there is a mod/ or if its possible in standard game that will actually generate the vapor cloud that so many people are familiar? Its a reasonably small effect(I believe) but would add a "certain, I don't know what" to the game. Thoughts? -X
  4. Nice P-1, but I gotta stay true to my chariot, the Orion and the Poseidon.
  5. I think the secret might be for noobie Kerbals to Panic (either lose control or all inputs are randomized)
  6. Awesome, I was plagued by this as well. Only noticeable on my larger docking scenarios. Thanks
  7. Thanks for the info. Sorry for the wrong section. FLYNAVY
  8. What is the different between intakeAIR and intakeATM when flying? I noticed that I will flame out when my air reaches less than .01/motor but what information can/should I glean from intakeatm?
  9. 99, I was wondering if I am the only one that thinks this would be beneficial to have some stuff of graphical representation of the Science/REP/Kash. I would like to see when I made great leaps in advancement and likewise when I falter, because it happens....a lot. I envision this graphical tableau to be much like an investment portfolio report. FLYNAVY!
  10. Mods using are Kerbal Interstellar, Kerbal Engineer, KAS, Kethane.
  11. 99, I was hoping to see if anyone could lend a hand and give me some pointers/critiques to help my SSTO. I generally like the way it looks, though I have been unable to get into a stable LKO. Thus, not fulfilling the role I designed it for. I seem to have approx. 150-180 units of fuel left and run out of Oxidizer before I can complete circularization burn. Any tips would be appreciated. It appears that Forge is down right now so I will upload the craft file at a later time but until then here are some pics. --Xero
  12. Nicely done, this looks just like my office.
  13. I can't believe that games hasn't been remade or updated. Awesome game
  14. Done, My next goal is to set up a base with enough kerbals to be housed with family to survive an ELE (Extinction Level Event)
  15. Copy all, thanks gents. I guess I'll have to babysit my knowledge bombs
  16. If that were the case wouldn't every other probe that I have despawn when it was greater than 2.5km or does it have to do with them re-entering atmo?
  17. So I made a rocket, that I thought would work and it doesn't (No a big surprise there). The thought behind my creation was to attach several probe bodies with the science canister, batteries, parachutes, and radial decouplers to create removable science vessels that are recoverable. As I fly through the ATMO I capture the science then decouple the experiment and allow them to re-enter atmo with parachutes already deployed. A sort of fire and forget science experiment. My question to everyone is why doesn't this work? My probes seem to disappear approx. 1-2 minutes after being separated from my main vessel, leaving zero science goodies to be recovered for great scientific discoveries. Am I doing something wrong? Do I need to use docking ports vice decouplers? Thanks, -XeroCool FLYNAVY!
  18. I don't understand what you guys are using to get the rotation without separation?
  19. Do engines become less efficient as their temperature rises? If they do I would say going full firewall isn't a good idea. -X
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