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Everything posted by Tontow

  1. Could you use a multi player server to do it? It would be a little bit of a resource hog, but it would let you do what you need.
  2. Where can I find a base building contract pack. Or are base building contracts already installed with Kerbal Attachment System? I took a look at Contract Pack: Tourism Plus, but I don't really like doing tourism contracts.
  3. I think having Dang it reduce part failures on a given part based on how many test contracts you have done for that part is a great idea.
  4. ya, if you could fix the vessel switch bug, then this would be perfect. It messes up after boarding (eva), but a quick save/load gets it back in order. Maybe put in an action group editor after you get all the current stuff done.
  5. As an addition: Would it be possible to enable recovery for the last stage once you have deployed the shoots and it has slowed down enough? IE: The main body of your craft. Even with time acceleration, following a probe parashoot 5000km gets old after the 1000th time.
  6. Nice, that is right along the lines of what I'm looking for, thx.
  7. I'm starting to get a very long list of rockets and aircraft. Is there a mod that adds a folder system to the save/load screen in the VAB/SPH?
  8. Could you shorten the name of some of the Way Points? (look at top of screen)
  9. Just keep lowering the chance of the low level stuff being offered as you progress to the high level stuff. Just like the game does with stock contracts (or at least should be doing).
  10. FireSpitter (SP?) has a few.
  11. Do I need Contract  Configurator installed for the beta to work?
  12. Since your recoding SASS. Could you please include min and max limits for acceleration, deceleration, acceleration torque and deceleration torque? That way you can setup how aggressive the SASS ends up being without having the craft end up in a flat spin. Ideally, there would be some kind of test flight recorder that auto tuned the SASS after I was done with the test flight. IE: I get up to speed and do a few turns. The auto tune recorder kicks in one or two seconds into the turn - (When the nose stops bouncing around // once the rads per second is steady) - and tunes it self (the max limits) based on the rads per second while in manual flight.
  13. Not Air-breaks, but the toggle you click to keep breaks on at the top of the screen (Parking Break for wheels). O.o Do you mean the action groups that I have to unlock with the VAB/SPH upgrades?
  14. Will this work with aircraft in flight? IE: I put an aircraft in the air and use Pilot Assistant or MechJeb to set a heading and maintain an altitude. Will this allow me to switch away from the craft and do other things while it keeps flying?
  15. I also would like to locate something like this that takes all of the right click menus and neatly arranges them in a separate window. Would be very useful so that I don't have to play sniper with the right click menus. Part highlighting would be a plus.
  16. I agree it would be Ideal if Squad did it and 10000000000 other things, but for now mods will have to do.
  17. I know that it is possible to let a window display over the contract window. See: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/108316-Rejector-v1-0-9?p=1963044#post1963044 and the post directly after it. So all that is really needed is a mini map window that can stay on top.
  18. The image is Photoshop, but I really like the idea. Any mods that do that? Even if I have to open a window before going into the contracts window to get it. http://i.imgur.com/lkNeKSP.png
  19. I will have to update, but I have had issues with version . When I fly a aircraft that has low power or even at low speed and I enter in a large increase in altitude: Pilot Assistant likes to go vertical. This is bad because it causes the aircraft to stall. How do I keep it from going vertical when I set an altitude hold? (note: The aircraft in question can do very tight and hard banks under manual control and not spin out of control with the same amount of power.)
  20. For the next version: Could you make it so we can set the physics loss different for each step without having to change the mode? So we could do something like: IE: 1- Normal flight. 2- 5x with no physics loss. 3- 15x with 1/4 physics loss. 4. 50x with 1/2 physics loss
  21. I didn't think StageRecovery could recover anything that was still under powered flight? I thought you had to put shoots on the stages to make them recoverable. And The Flight Manager for Reusable Stages is right along the lines of what I'm looking for. I will check it out now.
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