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  1. Even if I've been largely ignoring the comsat system, the simple things that the satellites do once released really add a sense of achievement to putting a payload into orbit. Unfortunately my warm, fuzzy feeling has been ruined by my shuttles slamming into the dirt on landing attempt in both missions that I've put one up in orbit.
  2. How does Tim have image-posting and signature rights? There\'s no need to beat around the bush- just cut the obnoxious problem off at the source and wash your hands of it. HarvesteR, you are the Gandhi of forum moderators and I\'m routinely enthralled by your elegant design and implementations... even of some of the tiniest features of KSP. You have great talent, and in saying that I don\'t at all want to insinuate that what has been achieved has come easily, and not been a direct result of a huge amount of hard work and dedication on your, and your team\'s behalf. I can\'t wait to witness the success stories that follow you in the future. Just noticed this is actually my first post here. Hey their folks! =P
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