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Everything posted by etse

  1. Challenge Completed Total challenges completed: 44 Total kerbals lost: 1 Total lost vehicles: 5 Total planetetary landings: 2 Not that hard of a challange. I am not sure if I was supposed to dump a few more stages before entering Orbit, but there should still be some fuel left on the Rockmax "Mainsail" LE to help with getting out of kerbins SoE when the time comes. For this mission I chose to go for a low kerbin orbit for parking, mainly to allow for people to get a good advantage of the, oh so popular, oberth effect when they want to leave; the station is currently orbiting at ~75.000km View full album of the flight. (not much interesting really) "Popcorn to mission control, we have successfully parked in low Kerbin orbit" Next challange: Bill Kerman, the Kerbal currently controlling the NH71 obiting Minmus, is as mentioned bored of space. He needs to get home to his beloved wife. Get Bill Kerman back home with the spaceplane, but leave as much fuel as you dare orbiting Minmus for refueling of other ships later. As this is a spaceplane, land on one of the runways (eiter is good) for full success. Protip: The fuellines goes from Turbo-engine-fueltanks to the middle fuel-tank, so if you want to use the jet-engines for landing remember to refuel them manually. (And we would not like to cover the Space center in radioactive exhaust) Download savefile here
  2. Im sorry about that. I tried to use them, but when I loaded them it became a mess. Whenever I tried to move it parts separated and I had troubles putting them back together - it felt impossible to build anything starting with that module.
  3. Luxury suite docked at the Act-Corp Duna Station Core But as a highly commercial company they hired some cheap workforce to control the probe at the docket, and it used up mostly all on the monopropellant and placed it in a dump position; the solanpanels are now blocking another docking port. Ah well, would be to expansive to fix it by redocking. With the arrival of the luxury suit there is a growing interest for taking a vacation into space - and kerbal govement is scared that something might go wrong at the spacestation. To counter this a new health and security regulation is implemented: all kerbal space station that are intended for use as commercial hotels is now required to have emergency escape mods that can get the ketbals back to Kerbin. Dock the escape-pods onto the Act-Corp Duna Station Core. It should already be ready for launch at the Launch pad. If something goes wrong, the ship is stored as "Act-Corp Escape Pods" The file can be downloaded here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10768358/Almost%20Multiplayer%20Kerbal.zip
  4. I want to be able to build a base on the moon. Not a collection of spaceship parts that do nothing. I'm looking for a mod that will let me recreate kerbal space command center on any other planet. Take a look at the "Kethane" addon, I like that one really much. I have currently a space-station in orbit around Minmus used for refueling my interplanetary ships before they leave Kerbins sphere of influence, due to Minmus beeing so far away from Kerbin and the gravity is so low, it is a perfect spot for refueling. On Minmus I have setup a mining station where I have a couple of mining rovers which will mine Kethane, which is then transferres to my station to extract fuel for it, storing it in large tanks. To finish it all off I have som space-cranes which will lift til full tanks from Minmus and dock them to the space-station and take the empty tanks down to Minmus for refueling.
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