Challenge Completed Total challenges completed: 44 Total kerbals lost: 1 Total lost vehicles: 5 Total planetetary landings: 2 Not that hard of a challange. I am not sure if I was supposed to dump a few more stages before entering Orbit, but there should still be some fuel left on the Rockmax "Mainsail" LE to help with getting out of kerbins SoE when the time comes. For this mission I chose to go for a low kerbin orbit for parking, mainly to allow for people to get a good advantage of the, oh so popular, oberth effect when they want to leave; the station is currently orbiting at ~75.000km View full album of the flight. (not much interesting really) "Popcorn to mission control, we have successfully parked in low Kerbin orbit" Next challange: Bill Kerman, the Kerbal currently controlling the NH71 obiting Minmus, is as mentioned bored of space. He needs to get home to his beloved wife. Get Bill Kerman back home with the spaceplane, but leave as much fuel as you dare orbiting Minmus for refueling of other ships later. As this is a spaceplane, land on one of the runways (eiter is good) for full success. Protip: The fuellines goes from Turbo-engine-fueltanks to the middle fuel-tank, so if you want to use the jet-engines for landing remember to refuel them manually. (And we would not like to cover the Space center in radioactive exhaust) Download savefile here