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Everything posted by Syhrus

  1. Perhaps we should rejig the rules a little for 1.0 and start up again? Heck, make the goal a little different and aim for Laythe or something.
  2. Is this challenge still alive? I'm thinking of doing a new 1.0 mission with TAC...
  3. I've encountered this one a few times as well. It happens when attachment point of the wing is in front of the centre of mass, so KSP thinks the elevons should be used like canards and reverses them. I think the problem stems from the swept wings having their centre of lift further back from their attachment point that most wings, so they are hard to place without causing the above affect.
  4. FIXED: Installed module manager 2.5.4 and everything works fine now. It sounds like something is hard coded to be dependent on that version, so using 2.5.9 causes issues
  5. I'm getting the exact same error with completely different mods: Toolbar USITools ATM BoulderCo CommunityResourcePack Engineer EVE ExtraplenetaryLaunchpads Firespitter KAS MagicSmokeIndustries NASAMission (that's the 3.75m parts that came with the asteroid update btw) NavyFish PlanetFactory Regolith StageRecovery StarSystems TriggerTech TweakScale UmbraSpaceIndustries ModuleManager 2.5.9 I'm also getting that line of error in my output though FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'ModuleManager.2.5.4, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. Here's a link to my whole file though: http://www./view/7xys1q14js7scub/output_log(2).txt
  6. I love this challenge! It's infuriating! I'm going for a closer-to-real attempt with my design. I think it is slightly smaller than the actual barge (scaled), but I'm not really sure. I've done a low-altitude test successfully, but I can see why SpaceX has said there's a very high chance of failure. I'm about 40 attempts in (thank Squad for the quicksave key), and the best I've managed was accidentally rolling onto my side on the barge. Enjoy: (I'll probably make another attempt tomorrow)
  7. There was just a capsule to get the kerbal out of and a decoupler. Sorry I thought the rules just meant you couldn't stage after launch. Yeah the flatspin started somewhere around the 22k mark (Ran out of charge and the reaction wheel turned off), I tried to save it and failed before I took the screeny. And yes, stock areo + physics.
  8. Here's my first manned attempt: 494 m/s @ 22,387m I made the mistake of launching at midday. Ran out of charge...
  9. ((This situation just happened to me while playing a career game, and I thought I'd save the game and make a challenge of it)) Rescue on a budget In a recent mission to test a prototype aircraft, Jeb and Bill have become stuck on the Mun due to some less than stellar fuel calculations that no-one will own up to. A rescue needs to be mounted, but the finance department has decided that we can only spare 15,000 funds on the mission. Fortunately, we have one trick up our sleeve: The Cylon 2. A recently developed aircraft capable of lifting small satellites into low orbit for a very low cost of about 2000 funds per launch. We also have a partially built ion powered probe in orbit that was intended for a Jool mission (It has more than enough dV to do a short transfer to the Mun) and a refueling station that was put into orbit for the failed prototype mission, so is still mostly full. The Challenge: Devise a way to get Jeb and Bill home using less than 15,000 funds net. RULES: While not necessary, it is recommended to use the craft mentioned in the scenario for this mission. You may not redesign the Cylon 2. You may build an original lifting stage if you wish, but keep in mind the budget constraints. It is not required that the prototype plane be returned to Kerbin, but extra points will be awarded if you do. SCORING: Your final score will be calculated based on the following equation: (15,000 - funds spent) x (bonuses) Bonus multipliers (these stack): - Return both Jeb and Bob to Kerbin = 1 - Return the Cylon 2 - X to Kerbin intact = 1.5 - Do not use the orbital refueling station = 0.5 - Do not use the Journeyman 1 probe as a transfer stage = 0.25 Eg: Spent 10,000 funds and got Jeb and Bob home without using the Journeyman 1 (15,000 - 10,000) x 1.25 = 6250 Required files: Save File Download this file and extract it to your saves folder in the KSP directory, then open the Mun Rescue game. [OP Attempt to come]
  10. Wow this challenge is still going? Kudos to you guys! I've been inspired to start a "Hard Mode" attempt at this using TAC Life Support, Deadly Reentry, FAR and RemoteTech. Hopefully I'll get my mission up in a few days
  11. I've had a play around with this before as well. Works out to be quite cost-effective if you recover the plane. One thing I learned was to put the aircraft part on top. That way, when you decouple it the plane will backflip away and stay clear of the rocket.
  12. Most pods have a radar altimeter inside if you use IVA view, but if you want to read it from external views I don't think there is a way to display it without using mods.
  13. I'd suggest following Scott Manley's current series. He's trying to do just this.
  14. Here's my entry for the 2-Stage Lander: I went with a stacked approach similar to the Apollo landers. It has enough dV for a very bad landing, but I think I skimped out on the launch stage a little (it had enough to circularize at 10km on Mun, but nothing else). To be honest there's not much you can improve on with this one. The actual stock craft could pass as an entry for this round EDIT: Craft file: http://www./?9emoc7fh3rcjqwh
  15. My answer to this is: Go ahead and try. You'll have your answer after about 20 launches when you realise the enormity of the task. That and physics of the game don't allow it. Although, I would like to see an attempt at this and see what actually happens....... PROJECT TIME!
  16. Pffff you call that a debris field? THAT is a debris field. The kraken attacked a large space station I had. Some parts of it got launched on an escape trajectory from the sun...
  17. What Moar Boosters said is correct. Your goal for the swap over to rocket boosters should involve a sudden increase in vertical speed to fling yourself into the upper atmosphere. I usually run a few tests on SSTOs to find out where their ceiling is for air intake. Try to find the exact altitude where your engines will cut out and then aim to reach maximum speed 1-2km below that. Once you're there, pitch up a little (it doesn't take much at high speed to increase your vertical speed by 200m/s or more) and swap over to rocket fuel.
  18. I do sometimes get this issue with B9. For some reason one wing will flex more than the other even if I strut them up to buggery. I sometimes find restarting KSP works at fixing it, but I'm guessing you would have tried that.
  19. What kind of part counts are we talking guys? I could play a good Samaritan and do your transfers for you. My rig can usually handle up to 750 parts before delta time kicks in.
  20. I agree with Neil. Although the rules didn't really take into account this sort of situation. I guess it's up to the OP regarding that.
  21. The only problem with that plan is that the rules say you can only use 1 lifter for all your launches. So your Minmus lifter will be your Kerbin lifter. And if you're planning to fly a launchpad out the Minmus you're going to need a massive nominal capacity. The launch pad on its own weighs 5 tonnes. Then a furnace will add another 15 tonnes. Plus any scanning and drilling equipment and you're looking at upwards of 25 Tonnes before you even have engines for Minmus transfer. You'd probably be looking at a 60-day turnaround at minimum, which kind of ruins the point of going somewhere with less gravity. Although, all that aside, I did just realise that using the same lifter you could probably transfer to Duna from Minmus, so perhaps you've hit the nail on the head here. Best of luck installing it! (also please tell me how you did it because mine never works when I try to install it)
  22. Hnnnng .21 could have come at a better time. I'll have to rejig my designs a little now and start over on the mission (had just finished my fist interplanetary ship ) EDIT: Scrap that all my ships are dead now because KER was killed with the update. Back to the drawing board then... I think I could look at an alternate plan anyway.
  23. This idea I love. You could have landing pads in the vacuum and use rovers to ferry stuff down into the atmosphere and back up again. Very cool concept.
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