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Everything posted by steffen_anywhere

  1. Sounds cool, how is the performance as part count increases? Edit: I'm asking because even you single core performance should be much higher than mine
  2. Hi all, I was wondering what kinds of computers you guys play KSP on and how your performance is. Below I'll post mine. Then you guys can follow my example: I play on a Mid-2010 13-inch MacBook Pro: CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo P8600 2.4 GHz RAM: 4GB 1066MHz DDR3 GPU: NVidia GeForce 320M (256MB) --> Not that relevant since it is KSP after all, but just out of interest... OS: OSX 10.9.1 (obviously) My Performance I usually get: <100 parts - no slowdown, constant green time, whether in atmosphere or space 100-200 parts - game runs at real time most of the time, only if you look at planet, it drops speed a little. <300 parts - everything in that range is perfectly playable without major slowdown or lag >300 parts - still playable (i've launched big rockets with 500 parts and that's slow but still acceptable) >400 parts - properly functional range of part count ends here for my laptop, after that it becomes unpleasant to play How about you guys? I know that KSP only uses a single CPU core, which is dumb, but the developers are limited to Unity 3D and I understand that. After all, KSP is still really awesome!
  3. Well... I've attempted that before..."Catastrophic Failure" The only acceptable attempt without specific shuttle parts was with KW Rocketry. It never quite made it to orbit... And it also sucked at gliding. But it wasn't all that bad for an almost stock try (I actually used SRBs). I'll find some pictures and post them later. I now resided to Tyberdyne's Shuttle Parts to build a proper shuttle (I know, not quite a design challenge, but then again, the real shuttle did have very high gimbal engines, so there's no reason that we don't imo). Also, part of the shuttle was the idea that it was carried to space by two HUGEA** Solid rocket boosters. In stock parts, there are no such boosters, and Liquid fuelled boosters always seemed so lame in connection to the shuttle... That being said, I highly appreciate looking at stock shuttle designs, having attempted these before and knowing how hard it is to make it work.
  4. @Death Engineering: No..., not yet sadly (Ares I is not capable of Duna and my Space Launch System launched to orbit for the first time yesterday). That said, I will definitely do a Duna mission using my SLS, which is capable of that (carrying the crew on the Orion Vehicle and carrying the Eagle lander behind it). Tonight, I will have LKO testing of the Earth Departure Stage, Eagle and Orion including docking, etc... and maybe a mun flyby. I'll post some pictures of that as well later on. For now I only have pics of a flight of Ares I (sadly not a picture of Orions solar panels since I lost them during the flight somehow... PS: My Orion has the cross-like solar panel arrangement from the ATV, like the current SLS-Orion MPCV has.
  5. Ikr... But be fair and considerate, since the OP probably spent several hours thinking it all through and writing that post
  6. Hi Death Engineering sadly I don't have the time right now to do a full entry into your challenge (IB student...), but I find the constellation concepts really interesting I have created some replica craft from these, such as the Ares I and the Orion Spacecraft (with a crew of three only tho). I'm sort of sad that the Obama Administration killed Constellation, but at least there's still SLS (which I'm in the process of recreating in KSP as well). However, people have done some calculations and think that SLS is too expensive and will never actually fly So I guess we'll have to rely on SpaceX (or the Chinese...I live in China XD) for these things in the future. That said, I would still like to post my craft here, just to start up the challenge and to give others inspiration. So here's my Ares I: Sorry, there are no more screenshots as of now, but if you like, I'll fly it again and take screenshots of the whole flight, LES and landing of Orion, etc... (of course not it you don't want me to spam you challenge thread with non-entry posts ) I can't find any more screenshots right now, sry. BTW, here's my SLS Prototype on the launchpad. This creature is also carrying my Orion spacecraft, a lander, and should be capable of doing single-launch and return trips to Mun, Minmus, Duna, Dres, Ike, Gilly(duh) and maybe Moho?: So if you'd like, I'll post pictures of the entire Ares I flight, just as an inspiration (uses ONLY SRBs on first stage! and the second stage is powered by an engine similar to the real-life J-2X) BTW, both my Ares I and my SLS use KW Rocketry parts (SLS also B9 panels cuz they're white and aesthetics count)
  7. Wow... Watched your vid... A real beauty. I now came to the conclusion that I suck at building planes like that...
  8. Yeah...As AlamoVampire said, NASA does have an ion powered spacecraft somewhere in our remote solar system, but in fact, the KSP ion engines are actually OVERPOWERED! Yes! IRL, they are a lot less powerful. The things is, though, that NASA Jet Propulsion Labs have the skills to have these engines 'burn' for days in order to achieve a notable result.
  9. Shortly after the maiden flight: Press interviewing Jebediah Kerman "This aircraft is perfect for air launching test vehicles and spacecraft alike (in his mind he already sees himself dropping an SRB with seat and wings from this plane )" No but seriously this is epic. I absolutely love the design... Did you use infernal robotics for lowering the cargo bay?
  10. Yes, I agree with Kosmo-not... VAB Symmetry is completely pointless, it won't help at all. Below are some pics of my shuttle (uses KW Rocketry). Sadly it is useless as a reliable launch vehicle, because it is pretty much unable to manoeuvre in orbit... Close to impossible to fly anyways On the Pad: After Booster Separation (couldn't take a screenshot during booster ascend, because it is so hard to control ): In upper atmosphere: In Space!!!: And here a handy feature if you (like me...) see your Kerbals as intelligent life forms and not test dummies: The Launch, or landing escape system The shuttle came out of control during reentry, and this was the only option for the crew: So as I said, it's quite useless for actual missions, so i kinda retired it.
  11. I built a Space Shuttle some time ago...It works, but you prob. wouldn't be able to fly it, it's a pain (MechJeb WILL RESULT IN LOSS OF SHUTTLE AND CREW) The NASA Shuttle concept is insanely complicated compared to a more conventional rocket, making it hard to be built in KSP, so that it actually works. The apparent reasons are the lack of symmetry, which will essentially change a lot as well during ascent. The thrust will have to be applied in a way that it will align with the center of mass during the whole ascend. This is hard because of events like gravity turn, booster separation, etc... I also used KW Rocketry (for tanks, but mainly the SRBs, because there are no stock ones big enough and the design called for MOAR BOOSTERS!!!) The shuttle's main engines are KW Rocketry as well. Overall, the SSMEs create 1050kN of thrust, the SRBs generating 1100 kN each. Orbital maneuvering is also very limited because of limited onboard fuel and again, the symmetry. I'll find you some pics, if you want it, you can just reply here and I'll go and find it (was created in 0.19) You'll have to get KW Rocketry tho...
  12. I've been designing a realistic space shuttle recently using KW Rocketry and Stock parts. Though still in testing, it works quite well already (achieved suborbital flight with apoapsis at 100km), but is a pain in the arse to fly. I'm actually using small thrusters to change/control attitude with the external fuel tank on the shuttle. I do in fact use SRBs, an assembly of a huge and a smaller one each, to create thrust in the right direction (each booster produces 1100kN, as you might guess, I have two of them) The shuttle itself has 1050kN of thrust on the main engines. This is just wnough to uave a thrust to weight ratio of above one after booster separation. If you're interested in pictures or the craft file of my shuttle just tell me (pictures will be more helpful, trust me, the prelaunch protocol is looong, and even MechJeb won't fly it ) Anyways just ask for more help as needed...
  13. Hahahaha that's epic... And so Kerbal Sadly we still can't pull off a music video from inside the KSS (cuz we don't have IVA at the moment ), that would have been epic...
  14. Macgas Kerman... good pilot He was the first commander of Space Shuttle Discovery:
  15. Ok so I've quite recently started playing KSP and once I got good at all the basics, I just wanted to build a Space Shuttle I simply love the design and fact that it is/was the only "reusable" spacecraft ever flown (true for the most part...). Designing a working shuttle in KSP is extremely hard compared to a conventional rocket. The only way you can counteract the non-symmetrical design is by asymmetric thrust by the orbiter's (a.k.a. Shuttle's) main engines so that overall the centre of thrust generated by the SRBs and the Shuttle's main engines intersects with the centre of mass of the whole thing with external tank and SRBs, etc... Then, after booster separation, this has to be true as well!!! I found this the hardest part in my design. Here's my attempt at a reasonably realistic shuttle using KW Rocketry only in orbit (well suborbit cuz I kinda ran out of fuel during the test launch ) (for the big SRBs mostly) (i'll add pics on the pad and during ascent later if u like, but so far I don't have any cuz the thing is so hard to fly that it keeps me occupied and unable to take screenshots ) The shuttle's main engines are tilted up by 10 degrees for the reasons I explained earlier. The produce 1050kN of thrust in total (with the SRBs producing 1100kN each). As I said, if it interests you, I can upload screenshots on pad, booster ascend, after booster separation, etc... I also used the small Rockomax 24-77 engines at the top of the external tank as support stabilisers to control the shuttle's pitch. As with the real one, it ascends on its back... As far as your design is concerned, I can't really help much without further explanations of why it becomes uncontrollable... (The super gimbal engine solution won't work that well trust me unless you maybe use mechjeb. I don't use it myself, so I don't know... ASAS will rip the craft apart using the gimbal force ) Hope this helps... Steffen
  16. WOW... Nice Design and Functionality!!! Your thread and video helped me a lot with my own shuttle design which I have yet to complete. I will post it in the Spacecraft Exchange once it works (center of mass with the external tank is messing me up badly ). I used KW Rocketry for the large SRBs, otherwise it's mainly stock as well (main orbiter engines are KW Rocketry tho to combat the problem of non-gimbaling engines, which I'm sure you're familiar with ). I will name my design Discovery (because it was arguably the "star" of the shuttle fleet and because yours are named Endeavour and Atlantis...on the other hand... if Jeb is flying the thing, Challenger might be more suitable as a name ). BTW: I enjoyed ur vid on YouTube and liked it... Keep up the work, it's awesome!!!
  17. Haha LOL Same with me. I just finished the IB MYP Now it's time to go to space again Just launched the first module of my KSS yesterday. I'll share screenshots later when I'm on my computer (using iPad right now)... Good Lock to all the summer Kerbonauts!!!
  18. And if launching in one part does not work at all, split it in three and use a tricoupler. This way you get a compact package, which you can then "unpack in orbit". Then just assemble it PS: Don't forget to equip every armpiece with a probe core and am RCS system, otherwise you will find yourself cursing, deorbiting the whole thing and starting allover again as you cant assemble it. If you want to attach the arm to a space station, then I suggest rendevousing the package with the station and then unpacking it and docking the arm piece by piece.
  19. Today, I test launched my Falcon Heavy Lifter for the second and third time... The Falcon was carrying a DragonRider spacecraft with three Kerbonauts aboard as a test payload. Falcon Heavy is designed for much 'heavier' payloads, but the latest test launch brought the DragonRider and its crew into a 1,000 km LKO with enough 2nd stage fuel (and onboard fuel) left to do a transmunar injection and (maybe) a return to LKO. This, however, is not part of the test and I will not do that this time... I'll let the Kerbals have some EVA fun tho... Main purpose of Falcon Heavy will be launching heavy payloads into orbit (e.g. space station modules or parts of interplanetary ships).
  20. Well, I don't log hours... Actually I don't really play that much overall, but since the school year is almost over, and since KSP, I do play a lot more (about 1-2h on average over the last couple of weeks, KSP only!!!!). Right now i'm really only playing KSP (except for the occasional Call of Duty 4 Multiplayer match with friends, and the fact that one of my (Korean) Friends got me into League of Legends...which I don't play a lot). Generally, I like games where you have a lot of freedom very much/games that are (sort of) realistic/scientific: That's the reason I played a lot of Minecraft (modded with BuildCraft, Industrialcraft, etc...), but it got boring... KSP is amazing :D :D <-- these guys agree with me!
  21. Yeah... that happens when you overshoot with your manoeuvre burn. The easiest is actually to decrease engine power the closer you get to the end of the burn, then cut the engine with maybe 20 m/s to go and use RCS (if you're not short on RCS fuel). This is not a very efficient way, due to the use of RCS, but this way you will get the closest to the planned trajectory.
  22. What do you mean by that? You always need a gravity turn, in fact, heading horizontally is far more important than going up. In order to get into orbit, you will have to accelerate far more 'horizontally' than 'vertically'...
  23. Hey Mulbin, where the heck did u build your Jool V? Outside ??? I'm try to build SpaceX's Falcon Heavy to carry space station parts into orbit, but the VAB isn't tall enough! Seeing your Jool V is even longer, how did u do it??? Thx Steffen
  24. This might sound dumb, sorry... The easiest way to do it is to build a stable rocket I always timewarp on the launchpad, because I too prefer launching at daytime.
  25. Hello Community! I'm in the planning phase of a large space station in LKO. I plan to use close (1:1) replicas of SpaceX's Falcon 9 (for crew transport aboard DragonRider) and Falcon Heavy (for boosting the modules into orbit). DragonRider, Launched by Falcon 9 has been launched for several test flight and is a great craft! But I have a problem constructing Falcon Heavy: Ceiling Height of the Vehicle Assembly Building. Is there a mod to increase it? I've seen constructions like the Jool V rocket, which are much longer than my Falcon Heavy, so there must be a way, right? Thanks in advance Steffen
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