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Kim Bruning

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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I also got the same scatterer problem when running SVE and Extrasolar on KSP.x86_64 on linux, which had me confounded for a long time. it seemed like Extrasolar's config simply wasn't being picked up by Scatterer at all. I rolled back to an old backup and installed EVE and scatterer only, but this time I left out Stock Visual Enhancements. This fixed the problem, and now I have scatterer working for Extrasolar \o/. I suspect some sort of modulemanager conflict. (ps. Is Valentine supposed to have a sun flare visible from kerbin btw? I think I saw that in older versions, but haven't spotted it yet in the new. Is this correct behavior now, or am I just looking at the wrong part of the sky? )
  2. KSP is not only the world's greatest space sim sandbox, it's also the greatest flight sim sandbox. There's all kinds of things you can do, and there are many easter eggs on kerbin to explore. Also there's the whole concept of space shuttles, SSTO craft, winged capsules for better cross-range capabilities, etc etc. It's a whole extra dimension!
  3. * With aircraft, the rudders sometimes turn the wrong way when rolling, sending the aircraft into a slip. (can be fixed with FAR, and setting the rudder to Yaw only... but it'd be nice to have this in stock). The reason this happens is because on rockets, you might have say 4 control surfaces at the tail: 2 for pitch, 2 for yaw: and if you twist all 4 the same way, you get roll. On an aircraft, you can't have a control surface sticking out the bottom dragging along the runway, so you delete that. Now when you roll, the rudder turns exactly the wrong way. :-/ * A decent cockpit from which we can actually see the ground AND my instruments while landing (speed and (radar) altitude are vital) * Flaps, airbrakes. FAR has flaps and airbrakes, b9 has airbrakes and 1 turbofan with thrust reversers. - One thing flaps are useful for is that you actually can fly at a lower angle-of-attack, aka your nose doesn't point so high, aka, you can see more of the ground. You can *almost* land from cockpit view in FAR. Unfortunately you lose sight of the ground when flaring (the one moment in time when you really REALLY need to see the ground :-P )
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