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Everything posted by LeonG17

  1. Use a thousand SRB's attached to it. How do we create space bikes that work on Kerbin?
  2. We beg for their forgiveness and follow the rules letter-to-letter. How would we cheer up now?
  3. You said a suit, never specified the specifics.
  4. Why don't we all say what we're all thinking?
  5. We're all at a loss for that now Rage... How would you dock?
  6. I'll repeat what I said earlier, any sort of injustice.
  7. You can get nutrient supplements if needed. If we were all vegetarian, then there would be much more food in the world since growing animals takes up more land than animals per gram. Lets not argue about diets ok? Now is the time for space bikes! How did they attach the rover to the landing module?
  8. But the moon is a moon, not space. In space, there is no surface to pedal on. Edit: Yay, RCS
  9. How would they work? There is no surface to pedal on?
  10. I never said everyone should be vegetarian. I just am and explain why. You can eat meat as long as you want if you so wish. Just respect my diet beliefs. Edit: True, Mercy, but we don't have to murder now for food when we can survive eating plants and not animals.
  11. Used for tearing meat. Doesn't mean that we have to use them. We don't use our appendixes. And they can be used to tear other things. Can we not have this argument. I'm not forcing my beliefs onto people, simply explaining them. I respect other peoples beliefs and would like them to extend the same courtesy.
  12. We have a conscious to know what we are doing. And we know that murder is wrong.
  13. Never said it was natural, its more ethical. And my upbringing. These are why I'm vegetarian
  14. Vegetarian so naturally don't like bacon The idea of it is just...Yuck.
  15. You can only move the continent of sealand. I wish for the power to look into Rage's mind.
  16. What is it with you and enigmas Captain Kalawang?
  17. Banned for denying me your secrets. I WILL FIND OUT!
  18. I think we can agree that it will be armadilloish. Such as a shell.
  19. I wanted to see the event that shall not be named... Beautiful picture Rage
  20. Banned for attempting to master gifs, they master you!
  21. Likely for a while but not forever. You would lose lots of weight and be constantly drunk and hungover. Edit: And that as well.
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