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Everything posted by LeonG17

  1. Banned for having a mind-nuke.
  2. When you start to see rocket fuel tanks in a railway siding. I thought the water tank looked like a Rockomax X200-16 Fuel Tank.
  3. A single X-wing could destroy that A NOVA bomb can spit a moon in half and scorch a quarter of a planet as well. We could send some towards chobit's fleet, even if they are hit they would explode and destroy her fleet. Unfortunately , it would destroy ours as well. So just use it as a last resort.
  4. True, who isn't The user below has exams this week.
  5. His face is now rouge . Anyway, ShachonianX, how will you destroy chobits fleet? And prevent the nuclear explosion killing you?
  6. Banned for having a weird avatar.
  7. Granted, you get crushed under the weight of all of it. I wish I didn't have 3 exams today.
  8. So chobit hasn't destroyed everyone for that picture yet? And I think PETA would like some words with you clubbing those baby seals.
  9. Granted, the answer turns you into a Yu-Gi-Oh! addict and ruin the rest of your life. I wish chobit wont kill us for what's happened in the house of madness thread.
  10. She would just fit bullet proof armour: No matter what we do, she will survive. We need to DIG!
  11. Her base is the Yamato! She will shoot anything that goes near it. We need to DIG!!!!!
  12. NO! She will bombard us from orbit with the Yamato! But either way we need to dig. Everyone, grab one of these and dig: Don't stop till we reach the centre of the earth! And don't forget to fill the hole once were in or she could just shoot straight through it.
  13. I leave them in space to see whether they hit my ships. I call it a experiment in probability.
  14. Granted, your computer promptly explodes. I wish for a GLOSTER Meteor.
  15. Granted, they are on fire when they're given to you. I wish for a Gloster Meteor
  16. Greater brain to mass ratio.
  17. That's not interplanetary, that's interdimensionally! They must of been pulled into a black hole that dumped them into Sykrim
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