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Everything posted by LeonG17

  1. You would be better off with a Kanata and Wakizashi to prune the mint bush rather than a Yari.
  2. What is this life of which you speak of? The user below has no life.
  3. Depends which mint, the peppermint was a bit sharp but the spearmint tasted like toothpaste. I agree with you about cherries, its hard to find a good cherry flavour for things.
  4. True, I think... The user below me has a pet.
  5. Banned for responding to the post.
  6. Played it a bit awhile ago. The user below has killed Jeb multiple times.
  7. There can be worse things than being trapped in Fólkvangr. You could end up being immortal and trapped with Chobit.
  8. Granted, you become bankrupt from buying it. I wish for the next update to come out soon, I need to put Jeb on a SRB.
  9. Banned for being hypocritical.
  10. Banned for not saying what you did last summer.
  11. Banned for not doing something last summer.
  12. Banned for knowing what I did last summer.
  13. Granted, the milk and cream come from rats. I wish for more people to post in the games forum
  14. Banned for being a eccentric mad hatter
  15. Banned for not being a top poster in the last few pages.
  16. Banned for not containing Jeb, Bill and Bob in a station.
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