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Everything posted by LeonG17

  1. Eve, lovely colours. Laythe or Kerbin?
  2. Granted, you remember everything that you ever saw or heard and your brain cant handle it all and it explodes. I wish that my eyes don't hurt when I'm tired.
  3. This is why I maintain containing them as soon as possible Yep, Jeb is every Kerbalnaut, he just has infinite regenerations and he occasionally returns to his original body.
  4. The moment you press F5 instead of F9.
  5. Trying to adjust my orbits using a single Poodle engine.
  6. Granted, everyone kills you for charging them for the internet I wish that Jeb suddenly replaces all astronauts.
  7. Granted, the entire week becomes the weekend and little gets done with mass starvation. I wish for Jeb to be the head of all of the space agencies.
  8. Jeb will survive to the end of time, smiling all the way.
  9. Banned for also being a victim.
  10. Hydrogen bomb cake, bigger explosion. Mods or Stock?
  11. Granted, you can't eat now as you don't need to and the site of people eating food drives you crazy I wish for Jeb to be in the ISS.
  12. Do we have the same regards to ants? Compared to us the ants are insignificant and we don't treat their life as something delicate, we would destroy their nests to suit our needs. This is because we have evolved above them and we feel like we have the right to do what we want with them as a result. The type III civilisation would have the same regard to us.
  13. That moment when detached boosters blow up your main fuel tank Or perhaps the moment when your about to land on the Mun and you realize you have no landing gear.
  14. Pronounced Gif Nuclear fusion or fission?
  15. Banned for not wanting to be Jeb's slave.
  16. Perhaps a fault with the human way of thinking? We make presumptions a lot as a species.
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