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Everything posted by LeonG17

  1. 1/10 Only started seeing you today.
  2. Granted, it is the first laptop made. I wish the manual could be found online.
  3. Cats, they are so lovely. Milky Way or Andromeda?
  4. Banned for having a profile picture.
  5. Granted, pigs surround you and maul you to death for eating their relative. I wish that my Skylon had a effective autopilot to prevent it from hitting the ISS or a manual for it.
  6. 9/10 Seen you a lot around.
  7. Granted, you go to space strapped to the nose of the next supply mission to the ISS. I wish that Syria won't shoot down my Skylon.
  8. Granted, it comes with Jeb. I wish I could own a Skylon spaceplane with the necessary fuel and runway for multiple flights.
  9. So when the seats are released, Jeb will attach a seat to a SRB and turn on infinite fuel then? Would he do stunts with it like flying under a Munar Arch or through a Mohole?
  10. Saturn, you can't argue with those rings. Pluto or Ceres?
  11. Granted, you get a million tacos which crush you with their weight. I wish I knew what I wanted for an avatar.
  12. Granted, people have massive avatars that means it takes 10 minutes to load a page. I wish for a avatar.
  13. 3/10 Seen you round the forums a bit.
  14. So you sleep for a year and 10 days then wake up? When's your next hibernation period? Edit: Wait, just realised that chobit isn't banned anymore!!! Edit 2: Everyone, Chobit is back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Then, every time Jeb reappears, send him into a deep space station but you would probably end up with millions and millions of Jebs in the Kerbalverse.
  16. I'm the kind of player that enjoys tormenting Jeb, Bill and Bob through a variety of fun missions such as EVA landings, or jumping out of a ship during re-entry. Or just blow things up in pretty explosions, with the added bonus of them tormenting Jeb, Bill and Bob. They must like them, they smile during them and return the next hour for another one
  17. Where does the future Jeb stockpile the other Jebs? All you need to do is send him on a escape trajectory from Kerbols SOI or just send him on a EVA mission into deep space. He will never return to torment you again.
  18. A hour later Bob was found in the next rocket launch, apparently unaware of his death.
  19. Granted, you are dissected by the government to find out why you have superpowers. I wish to sleep.
  20. Banned for being in a cabin in the woods.
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