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Everything posted by LeonG17

  1. Or perhaps A engine? You don't appear to have one. Surprised the Kerbal scientists and engineers didn't notice that.
  2. This then caused another Big Bang to form yet another universe in which the dinosaurs ruled over the humans in 5324 BC to 1623 Ad when the human slaves rebelled and were victorious in what is now known as the Spartacus rebellion.
  3. Granted, we think things through so much we don't get anything done. I wish that everyone had a IQ of 150.
  4. Made my first rover and landed it on the Mun. Reached a 15m/s downhill . For some reason, I haven't done much with unmanned missions, this was my first one. Anyway, it worked with the stages having excess fuel but when it was dropped off from the sky crane, at about a 3m altitude, it broke a rear wheel but it managed to work quite fine with just the other 5 but it can't do any high speed turns. Now I'm trying to get another one to Minmus.
  5. Granted, but its extremely rushed so it is extremely buggy so it doesn't work and destroys your hard drive. I wish for the next update to be finished.
  6. Banned for being in the Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station.
  7. Don't look scary and be friendly. How do you have a happy life?
  8. In a non-violent way such as picking it up. How do you make friends?
  9. Granted, you get shot by the police for carrying a dangerous weapon. I wish to get good results in my exams.
  10. He did have a lot of stuff which they told him that if he used he would die like his flashlight. Perhaps they did give him a ion engine or RCS thrusters
  11. The user above me wont tell us their location.
  12. Pen Rocket or Spaceplane?
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