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Everything posted by LeonG17

  1. Surly there would be too many variables in the "experiment" to be able to get the exact same results. For example, a cloned chell might randomly decide to leave GLaDOS in a potato being eaten by birds. Also, there would be a lot of Wheatys in space.
  2. Banned for ingesting rocket fuel
  3. Banned for being under the launch tower.
  4. Granted, you break your arm but don't notice as you feel no pain. I wish for everything to be back to normal.
  5. I've seen that image in the thread before but that and the conversation leading to it have been removed.
  6. True and False, they alternate between brown and green. The user below me spends more time on the forums than playing KSP
  7. Granted, you charge head first into a machine gun as you have no fear. I wish for a wish that I use to wish for a wish that I use to wish for a wish that I use to wish for a wish that I use to wish for a wish that I use to wish for a wish that I use to wish for a wish that I use to wish for a wish that I use to wish for a wish that I use to wish for a wish that I use to wish for a wish that I use to wish for a wish that I use to wish for a wish that I use to wish for a wish that I use to wish for a wish that I use to wish for a wish that I use to wish for a wish that I use to wish for a wish that I use to wish for a wish.
  8. Perhaps, but by the sound of the posts it was posted here so likely not that.
  9. So your turning into a puddle of these? You wont find out about what happened here:
  10. Wonder how they would make a Portal 3 storyline? Also, ROFLCopter64bit, with your theory, why would GLaDOS want to kill herself and be eaten by birds again and again?
  11. Yep, Half-Life 3 and Portal 3 will come out in about a decades time then
  12. In mother Russia, pictures hate you.
  13. Granted, you are so active it kills you I wish for Chobit to return
  14. They are making Half-Life 3, its just at the slowest rate in the world because every time they get near to competing it, a new feature in games comes out and Vale have to introduce that. As a result, they will finish Half-Life 3 only if all other game development stops.
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