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Everything posted by allockse

  1. If you click once outside KSP and back in, the game seems to be responsive again after the hangup.
  2. Your signature is awesome. I'd say most rocket designs would be golden just following this simple logic. That being said, your use of boolean is redundant. No need to check if a boolean is true like this: if(moves== true)...

    Moves is true or false at runtime, so it can be evaluated on it's own:

    if(moves)... or if(!moves)...

    Your statement could be rewritten like this:

    //does it move?

    if (moves) {

    if (supposedToMove) System.out.println("No Problem");

    else System.out.println("Use Struts");

    } else {

    if(supposedToMove) System.out.println("No Problem");

    else System.out.println("Use Boosters");


    You could go even more extreme with some ternary syntax, but this way it's still readable for the lay folk.


    - Allockse

  3. Temstar, quick question for you. Do you know of a way to preserve staging of symmetrical objects when repositioning them? I've added some radial parachutes to the asparagus and core stage, but when I adjust the position I have to completely redo the staging. Gets extremely frustrating after about 10 tests. While this specifically has nothing to do with the performance of your lifters, I figure you might know. Thanks in advance.
  4. This is excellent, been waiting on this post. The craft file information is interesting, I didn't know the order of the parts affected struts/fuel lines, but it makes sense thinking about it. I wanted all my builds organized in SubAssembly when I installed the 0.19 Zenith pack so I unintentionally avoided the bug in the first place. These things have been working perfectly out of the box for me, I can't wait to work with these new models.
  5. I'm more interested in keeping this thread on topic versus where it's going. People play the way they want to, right/wrong is highly subjective. Temstar these are great designs, thanks for sharing. I'm definitely going to try a clustered approach to my lift designs after working with these, they are top-notch.
  6. Your builds are both highly functional and aesthetically pleasing. I can't praise your work enough, as it continues to teach and inspire me.


  7. Nice work man, the attention to detail and functionality really shows.
  8. Umm... Personnel Utility Mobility and Accessibility? Yeah... I got nothing. I was kind of going for a Red vs Blue reference. : ) I forgot to mention I included 2x4 and 4x4 operation based on the desired need. Locking the steering on the rear wheels reduces the likely hood of flipping in a turn. Use the Custom01 key binding to toggle between modes.
  9. I wanted to build a rover that was both fun and durable, the Puma is what I came up with through testing. It can handle pretty ugly rolls/flips at moderate speeds, and is equipped with boosters for righting itself if flipped over. Download it here
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